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Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« on: January 15, 2017, 11:50 AM »
I used to get plenty of stuff from the Bay in the last few years.
Jerseys, books, magazines, bike parts etc, etc
I've recently split my Aero Reflex and sold all of it either on here or on various FB pages all hassle free.
For my latest build, so far all the parts I've sourced have been through friends, on here, from the Museum or again via FB pages.

I still constantly look at eBay but see less and less that I need or it's overpriced ( even magazines seem ridiculously high these days ) or it's overpriced and in the states which now usually means crazy import duties and extra costs.

Or there any bargains still to be had or are there any parts/ items you've bought recently from eBay ?


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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2017, 12:01 PM »
The problem with ebay is ebay. Nothing is unknown anymore. There are people throwing together clown bikes with parts that are cheap and being listed for 3 or 4 times what they are actually worth. Those little gems we used to find are no longer safe from the research value of ebay. But the trouble is is that it's a self licking lollipop. A bike sells for £100. Somebody builds one similar, researches the £100 and then adds a bit for Grandma. 2 bikes later it's now at £300 and still worth fook all!

These people aren't in it for the love, just the cash. Barn find.......fook off, you've just built that with the shit bits you have on your ebay 'bought' history. That fooking pillock from Cannock is pushing up prices too, not with his god awful polishing and chroming but people who use it as a reference. Bikes so overpriced it makes you weep.

I still search ebay, especially in the US, I've had the odd gem from over there. But as I'm not building anymore, just tweaking, I'm in no rush for anything. An opportunist purchase here and there.

Facebook, however, is not free from idiots. Some of the highest order. When you try and point out that their description or value is misguided, not wrong, just misguided they often see their arse!

Idiots, idiots everywhere :LolLolLolLol:
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2017, 12:20 PM »
Great points ( all of them! ) Nick :4_17_5:

I think it must be so hard now to get into our hobby... I've been very lucky in the last few months (idiots have been avoided )

It's nice to be able to sit back and wait for the right items at the right prices ( where I'm at now .. Just need a few bits to complete my ( probably last show bike build ) 
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2017, 12:21 PM »
Still pick up the odd bargain here and there.  ;)
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2017, 12:30 PM »
There are a few bargains out there now and again but usually snapped up within minutes.
just look at the museum site the prices are shocking plus the exchange rate then duty not worth it.
Myself just tweaking my builds as Nick and is totally correct .
They think any old bike from the back of the shed is a cash cow and bang it on ebay.. ::)
Most of bikes on at present need to be recycled into white goods they are that bad..
Just feel sorry now for new members trying to build as you got to have deep pockets and a lot of patience trawling the internet..
There are bargains mind..

Just bought a set of tech 111 for £13 posted ( I offered £10 for levers plus £3 postage for some reason eBay has it for what is was listed originally??)
Not much work to refurb which I like doing..

Well sometimes..
Been looking for one of these for an age..
This pops up but dodgy bidding on the first day..
I know it's sought after but really £1,400 with 5 days to go.  :D
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 12:48 PM by Ady »
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2017, 12:37 PM »
I do not use Facebook, I do not know the pages although I have very quickly tried to find groups. However it is coming up on nearly a daily basis that the part scene is on Facebook.

Recently I have been trading for parts and it has been good, quite fun really, although I am running out of tradeable parts I fear. I trawl ebay and have bought a lot in the not so distant past although I am more discerning now. I did get what I thought was a good deal last week: A pair of silver 9/16 DX pedals which came with a pair of Sugino cranks complete with bottom bracked and spindle. The total was £84 including special delivery; I thought that was a good buy? Opinions welcome.
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2017, 12:38 PM »
Last time I built a bike (2015!) I managed to do it through this forum or the people from it
With the exception of a couple of bits (tyres and a couple of odds and sods) bought from shops
I wasn't in a rush and so I didn't overpay for anything, had a lot of help from people who didn't take the piss

All too often you see the line 'I just want what it owes me' from some buffoon who built their bike as fast as possible and paid for their impatience with a high price + postage + import duty

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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2017, 12:43 PM »
Gutted I missed those DX's.
Out walking the dogs and bloody forgot..
This was the guy selling two old race bikes he raced BITD..
That was a bargain.
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2017, 12:51 PM »
I just followed your links Ady!
That was lucky for me as that was my max. I was very surprised the next morning to find I had won.
The bodies are really quite nice, better than the blue set I traded recently. I also need the cranks for a build so win win.
That said I am very guilty of over spending!
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2017, 12:53 PM »
With the exception of my recent finds I am increasingly spending more time on ebay as I don't do facefook and sales on there seem to be the thing.

used to religiously check the for sale section on here 3 or 4 times a day but rarely do now unless a thread title grabs my attention. The museum is getting difficult with shipping and exchange rates and the sense of slow down is as evident on there as it is on here.

Luckily I've always been into oddball stuff rather than the haro master, dx pedal, redline crank stuff so I do still pick up quite a few bits on the bay  :daumenhoch:
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2017, 01:10 PM »
I just followed your links Ady!
That was lucky for me as that was my max. I was very surprised the next morning to find I had won.
The bodies are really quite nice, better than the blue set I traded recently. I also need the cranks for a build so win win.
That said I am very guilty of over spending!

That's great you won it mate.. fistblump
At least it went to someone who actually needs the bits than the flippers on eBay..
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2017, 03:51 PM »
The odd bargain can still be found on ebay - that panaracer radial freestyle tyre that sold for £15 for instance! Very slim pickings nowadays though. I really can't remember the last bike part i bought on ebay, although i look every day. It's still good for bmx books though

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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2017, 05:45 PM »
The last bits I got of ebay were a DC880-front caliper (mint condition '85 dated 56£), some 2nd gen. GT- fork standers (NOS I guess 50£) and some 2nd gen. GT - frame standers (originaly added for 100£ but got 'em for 50£). Maybe these were bargains compared to the prices that are asked now - especially for those frame and fork standers that I've seen going for 200$ each some moons ago.

In regards of buying parts as a newbie it can be a costly hobby, due to the missing experience about which parts are good and not knowing what a decent price for them would be.
Without the generous help of a member on here, I probably would have paid a lot more for my caliper and the fork standers he got for me of ebay. If I would have been able to find some decent ones anyway.

I would feel pretty lost without having access to the expertise of this site where any question is welcome and help is offered all the time.

As a newbie it was the best thing that could happen (at least to me  :LolLolLolLol:) to find this site. Otherwise I surely would have become a victim of one of those mentioned people who are in this for the cash and not for love, and maybe would've thought 800£ is the usual going rate for a pair of Araya 7x's with Suzue SB-HF hubs.

I may try to find stuff on ebay in the future, but I think I will prefer waiting for the stuff to come up on here.  :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 06:22 PM by Andyboy77 »

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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2017, 06:26 PM »
I 99 percent  use ebay. Having to pay TOP DOLLAR :'( lately though, Not many bargains out there, and I spend at least an hour a day surfing.... never going to find my Vincent Airzone forks, more chance of going out for a date with Helena Christensen!!
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2017, 07:43 PM »
Most of my time in this hobby has been purchasing bits through ebay. With doing the shifts i do i miss out on a lot of the stuff i need on fb and the forums. It's just how it's worked out in the main.
Just looked round at my semi built TA though and grips, seat and levers were purchased from Rad. Everything else was the bay.

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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2017, 06:58 AM »
rarely buy on there and i`ve noticed that three of the items i sold a while back are back on ebay for buy it now prices at double the price ,lots of chancers ,sad times for new peeps getting into it   
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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2017, 10:37 AM »
I've not bought anything for a long time, but have heaps of stuff still to build!

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Re: Anybody still using eBay for BMX stuff?
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2017, 12:57 PM »
Just missed out on a nice skyway Jersey ( m ) on the bay...£70 posted form France ! I snoozed and loozed!
Still worth checking it out .. You never know  :4_17_5:
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