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Author Topic: 2017 Race Blog - The Trials & Tribulations of a New School Newbie (in Japan)!  (Read 53466 times)

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Offline Mikku

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Happy New Year Radsters! :bow:

So having caught the racing bug again, as first described here:-,189149.0.html

and then here:-,189263.0.html

I've decided to give racing a go this year and thought it might be interesting if not fun to hang out my dirty washing for all to see share the experience with my fellow Radsters! I can't promise anything very exciting but if nothing else, it'll be a record of a newbie's exploits and something to look back on at the end of the year to see what a fool I made of myself!! Watch this space! :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: January 03, 2021, 11:07 PM by Mikku »
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline Mikku

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So let's get this blog underway with a New Year's Day post! :daumenhoch:

Just before Christmas I contacted the local race club that runs the Midoriyama track. I spent a while penning a Japanese email, only to receive a reply in English, and I might add, better English than my Japanese!! However, they were very welcoming and recommended that once I kit myself out with a bike, full-face helmet (which I can rent if need be) and long-sleeved shirt, I should join one of their practice days. Their website also lists the BMX/MTB shops that support them, so I visited the 2 nearest ones to get a closer look at some new school bikes and gear. I couldn’t try out any bikes but did get to try on some helmets. As is often the case, sizes vary between the brands, with the most comfortable fitting being the most expensive!! I want to do a bit more research before I part with my cash, but am quite tempted by the white and black 661 on the left in the 2nd pic, which is an older model and therefore a bit cheaper than the funkier camo version on the right!

Back to bikes, I have a few irons in the fire, but have so much to learn about new school rides that I am happily reading all about them online. Also, the first race of the season clashes with a snowboarding trip, which means that I’m aiming for a Spring rather than Winter debut. That gives me a few months to get fit, buy a bike, kit myself out with some essentials, practise and try to sell some of my old school stuff to fund everything! Well that’s the plan as at 1st January!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 02:49 PM by Mikku »
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline vestanpance

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I said 'machine, why are we here?'
And it paused and said 'to play video games and drink beer'


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Look forward to hearing how you get on Mick  :daumenhoch:

Offline oldschoolace

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Sounds like you've got the bug Mick. Kuwi racer?  ;)
Sixteen thirty-two. What is that? A year?   No, it's your top score on Pole Position.

Offline Mikku

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Thanks guys! :daumenhoch:

Sounds like you've got the bug Mick. Kuwi racer?  ;)

A new school Kuwi racer would be great to have alongside my Laserlite, but I'm not holding my breath! ;)

As for the bug, you're bloody right mate, plus it's had an unexpected side-effect which is that I now find myself looking more at new school race bikes than old school bikes! Of course, old school is where my heart is but if nothing else good comes of this, at least it's going to have forced me to sell some old school framesets, which I have to do to free up some money and space for a race bike. :D
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline DY85262

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Happy New Year Mick,
This thread has already caught my eye and for sure 2017 sounds like a very focused year of BMX for you. Interestingly the track you show looks more like the tracks of the 80's, a little more forgiving than some today, which I think is a good thing for a returning racer.

I had a short spell back into racing in New Zealand some nine or ten years ago at the Upper Hurt track near Wellington.ąty+Rybackie&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSkwEJgqPPjhePfEMahwELEKjU2AQaAAwLELCMpwgaYgpgCAMSKJ4LjB6NFoAWix79FfwVgRaMFtgV0DjROMIi4yKMOa0q5CL5PuUiiTkaMExTK1HL0hs_1qCYOUp0yMe8jP_18Q6QSlPqF75VIi2uc7N18jy_1UqAixCdq4cb32ofCAEDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIE5Mce8gw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj5_smuhaPRAhVJXSwKHRn8C80Qwg4IFygA&biw=360&bih=512#imgrc=PLuj86GOtCOL5M%3A

It's such a buzz. I was immediately sussed by some old school guys who new the track inside out and were clipped in on New School bikes. They could tell by my style and that I was riding flats. Good to know that if I was riding crap back then that I maintained my standards. LOL.

Looking forward to your progress.

Offline Drawn

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looking forward to seeing the updates about your adventure into racing this year.

as for the helmet, pick the one that fits best, and if that's the slightly older one then go for it.
am keen to see what set of wheels you end up debuting with.

Offline Picklez

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Hey Mikku, great thread, and good on you  :4_17_5:

I never usually journey into this section of the site but your title grabbed my eye.

Good luck bud, I will be following with interest to see how your exploits progress.

More please  :popcorn:

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Offline Mikku

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Thanks for your comments and words of encouragement - all much appreciated! :daumenhoch:

Interestingly the track you show looks more like the tracks of the 80's, a little more forgiving than some today, which I think is a good thing for a returning racer.

I must admit that the forgiving nature of Midoriyama was one of the main factors behind me wanting to give it a go, as the modern tracks I've seen on tv look scary as, and a world away from Eighties' ones!! The Upper Hurt track looks fun though, despite the name! ;D
« Last Edit: January 02, 2017, 11:38 AM by Mikku »
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline DY85262

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Well spotted Mick, off course it's Upper Hutt.  :LolLolLolLol: just North of Lower Hutt or shall we call it Bottom Hurt.  :LolLolLolLol:

Offline Mikku

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With some time off work over the New Year, I’ve been spending far too much of it online reading about new school racing and searching for a suitable bike for this year's exploits. However, finding the right bike at the right price is proving difficult, so today I decided to take a break from looking at BMX and actually get out and ride one, albeit only my Laserlite. As I leave my house, I’m faced by the view in the first pic below. The sharp-eyed will have seen this parking area before, as I often use it as the backdrop for photographing my old school builds. However, what caught my eye on this occasion, and for the first time, was the potential it presents for BMX racing! What the hell am I taking about? Well…with the steepish slope and the fixed cage for rubbish, I can now... a bit of start gate practice 10 metres from my front door - sorted!! So long as the neighbours don't mind! :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 02:59 PM by Mikku »
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline Drawn

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don't stress too much about finding the right bike for now, if you are happy to, and you enjoy it, have you thought about just riding the Kuwi for now? Will be a lesser hit in the pocket for the meantime.

and nice idea with how you have found a way to learn to balance on the gate. Definitely a great way to learn
If it helps, it can be slightly easier on a steeper angle (but not too steep). so if you have any issues with balancing, try adding a brick under a plank of timber or similar to change the angle.

Offline Mikku

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Thanks for the tip! :daumenhoch:

As for the Kuwi, I did think about doing that originally but didn't know if I could run an old school bike and tbh, am not sure I want to risk damaging it! Plus I get the feeling that it would be like turning up at, say, a WRC event with a Mk 2 Escort! ;D
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

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Ooh I do love that Laserlite mate ... Loving the updates on this one mate fistblump
"Knowledge is the acceptance of ones own ignorance." Socrates 399BC

Offline DY85262

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Don't worry about that Mikku, as Lance said, "It's not about the bike."

Which reminds me, have you started your interval training?

Offline Mikku

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Don't worry about that Mikku, as Lance said, "It's not about the bike."

Which reminds me, have you started your interval training?

& we can always believe what Lance says! :daumenhoch:

Interval training!?! Is that how fast you can run to the bar, order and then a drink a beer during the intermission at the performance of a boring play that you've been dragged along to watch? :D
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline Mikku

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A snowboarding trip, going back to work, and trying to get the Ross finished, all temporarily took my focus away from the racing but since this is supposed to be a blog, it’s time for a bit of an update! :daumenhoch:

First off, and as mentioned elsewhere, I’ll finally pulled the trigger on a bike, though won’t get my hands on it for a couple more weeks, so will say no more ‘til then, save that I’m super excited!!! :-X :D

Other than that, I’ve been getting out on my bikes more, and doing some more gate practice on my makeshift setup. As advised, I made the angle steeper (by putting a concrete block under the back wheel), which made balancing a lot easier!! I’ve also had more contact with the local race club, and actually met the guy I’ve been emailing today on a return visit to Midoriyama, where there was a race meeting. Watching the racing just cements my desire to give it a go, and to that end, am planning to attend a lecture/riding technique session that they’re running there next weekend. They’ve confirmed that I can use my Laserlite, which I’m happy to do until my race bike arrives, though was warned that I’ll probably be the oldest attendee by about 30 years!! Talking of which, as and when I actually see some race action, I’ll be put in the Over 30s class, there being no Over 40s class. In all likelihood, I’ll therefore be racing against younger guys which will add to the challenge but I’m up for it and tbh, can't wait, though will no doubt feel different when I'm lined up on the gate in my first moto!!! ;D
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline Drawn

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looks like you are all set and ready to go racing.

We just had our "come and try day" which had about 25 people give it a go. Many from all ages, although we know that once the kids get started the parents often follow suit over time, so the older classes do end up gaining numbers.
Best thing you can do is to have a few skills sessions and get to be smooth.

how did you end up going with all the clothing requirements? get your helmet and gloves all sorted?

Offline Mikku

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Actually, I tried on some TLD upper body armour this very evening! That said, I haven't parted with any cash yet but have been narrowing down my options and am hoping to pick up stuff over the next fortnight!

Am excited about this weekend but have just learnt (and I may have misunderstood this, being in Japanese!! ::) ) that one of the coaches at Midoriyama is the Japanese Olympic team coach!!! Maybe! :daumenhoch:
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline Mikku

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So I’ve finally put my money where my mouth is and attended a lecture/technique session at Midoriyama on Sunday morning. As suspected, I was the oldest rider there with most of the 20-odd participants under 10!! Thankfully there was also a thirty-something MTB rider, so I wasn’t the only adult but it was still a bit surreal. After a few basics, we practised how to roll/pump some jumps, then did a bit of berm practice before practising the gate. Overall it was bloody good fun BUT I definitely need to work on 2 things (there’s a lot more but I think these are the main two):- my fitness and how to manual!! My legs were shot by lunchtime (in my defence I had ridden 1 hour to get to the track!), so I only did a few extra laps of the rhythm section but watching the regular racers in the afternoon’s open practice section, the fast guys were all manualling the rollers. I know anyone who’s good at anything makes it look easy, but manualling seemed to be the fastest and smoothest way through the section! I'm not expecting to do that soon, but it's a definite goal! :daumenhoch:

Below are a few pics from Sunday. The first two show my fellow beginners on the start hill but don't let their size deceive you - most of them were nuts, with little or no fear and a similar level of skill!! There was also plenty of banter, with me trying to psyche them out practise my Japanese! & the final one is of the biggest (and oldest) kid on the block! ;D

So with my first official training under my belt, it's now time to focus on a bike, and next weekend I’m due to pick up my new toy. My plan is to spend as much time riding it as possible, and hopefully start to feel as comfortable on it as I do with the Laserlite. I also want to get on that manualling bandwagon asap!! Watch this space!!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 03:12 PM by Mikku »
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline Andyboy77

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Excellent stuff Mick!  :4_17_5: ..and once again some nice pictures!  Thanks or sharing! :daumenhoch:

Offline Ady

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That`s great Mate..
Little steps at a time..
i cannot wait to see what new beast you have bought.. fistblump
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Offline Mikku

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So after a few months of to-ing and fro-ing between secondhand bikes and new bikes, pro size and XL size frames, buying from the US, Blighty or Japan, I’ve finally got myself a (new school) race bike, namely a custom build from Hong Kong!!! Yeah, yeah, not quite what I envisaged either but bear with me for a moment! Fellow Radster and all round top bloke Dan (“x600se”) offered me a deal on some NOS that I just couldn’t refuse, even though it meant a trip to Hong Kong. So with the bit between my teeth, I managed to snag some cheap flights from Tokyo and “quicker than the human eye”, brought back a BIG box of goodies!

So that’s the background story, here’s the lowdown on my Crupi custom build! Based around a NOS 2011 Pro XL frame, it’s built with a mixture of largely Crupi, Promax and Sinz parts. With a limited choice of colours, and inspired by the 1988, 24-carat gold Hutch Trick Styler, I went for a white theme with a splash of gold in the form of some matching, gold ano parts from Promax. I've posted a few pics below.

Today was the first day out on the bike, so it was more of a shakedown run than anything else but it was super light and responsive. It was definitely a gamble buying a bike without trying it first but sometimes you've just got to go for it, and thankfully my instincts proved right. Now I can’t wait to get out on the track!! :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 01:35 AM by Mikku »
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline Ady

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That looks lovely mate.. :smitten:

Such a clean look and those weld.. 8)

The cranks are awesome

Love it
Real men have Dachshunds I have three / now two 😓 missing you../ back too three with a rescue dachie

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