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Author Topic: So what BMX bike did Santa bring you BITD that started this crazy addiction?  (Read 4313 times)

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My Raleigh GS Burner

What did Mr Claus leave under your tree ...

"Knowledge is the acceptance of ones own ignorance." Socrates 399BC

Offline That Swan Guy

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First one was a generic teardrop chrome frame from the local bike shop. Aero was the brand.

Then I started racing and I got a GT Mach One frame and forks the following year.
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Offline dp and chopper dude

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I got a Raleigh Tuff Burner for Christmas in 1982. I bloody loved that bike  :smitten:

Offline oldscool

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A blue and yellow pro star christmas 1982 I think.  :4_17_5:
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Offline oldtired

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posted this pic a few times before , and despite the grumpy looking face i was chuffed to bits , i had to pose for the pic when i wanted to just go ride the bike , mum insisted on a picture , bless her ,   :'(,

 currently nursing a stuffed elbow and a torn muscle in my chest thanks to this crazy addiction that started xmas day 1980 on a Team Murray  :daumenhoch:

Offline john4130

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got a red raleigh burner for xmas either 81 or 82. been hooked ever since, and never quit riding. that'll be 34-35 years riding bmx, also had 2 or 3 earlier years riding a raleigh boxer trying to be like evil knievel.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 10:26 PM by john4130 »

Offline chubby

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Santa lumbered down the chimney in 82 with some old blue & yellow thing. Ashamed to say I still have no idea what that thing was & family can't find any pics...... 
The blue & yellow machine allowed me to jump,higher,faster & longer than my Spiderman bike ever did & I'd love to find another whatever it was 😁😁😁. Then in 84 I'd been so very,very good he brought my Vincent which I still have. Restoring it about 6 years ago led me into a spiraling web of denial,lies & hiding stuff that continues to this day 😂😂😂

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WANTED : 1" freestyle forks, uglier the better

Offline Funkyworm

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Still love this thing to this day...

Offline dancetothedrummersbeat

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You've all seen this one before. Didn't get it at christmas though.. Got it just before my 7th birthday in April 1984 - A Falcon Pro Kappa. I'd fallen off it so many times that the framev& forks got badly scratched. My dad therefore sprayed it gold (i liked the super burner and gold Yes bmx at the time). I also applied a set of highly unofficial skyway decals to it. I also fitted a dyno plate - the black/white check perimeter one. Bloody loved that bike and it was bulletproof. I gave it away to a mate when i was 16. Wish i still had it, but have managed to find another since  :laugh:

« Last Edit: December 23, 2016, 03:00 AM by dancetothedrummersbeat »

Offline radovr

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A Saxon in 83 , not seen or heard of one since really , then saved all my paper round money and bought a Ammaco freestyler 6 months later
NO  I  don't do face book  ... or twitter ...oh or my space  . You kinda get the picture  .

Offline SDF

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1980 a red   and  chrome Team Murray, and then a Tuff Burner !  Found my old frame in the shed last year and decided to restore it/ collect parts to build it up, now I have five!  Promise to myself I would never build a crappy Burner😃
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. Miss you loads Dad

Offline McQUEEN

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this crazy addition didn't start with my first bike...its started when my friend Karl H got a black and orange Team Murray. From then I was hooked and had to have one. First bmx was a blue and gold Pro Star.
When I was born, the world was a far simpler place.
It was all just cops and robbers.
And BMX.


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I got the bug from someone else's first BMX too, IIRC in the Summer of 83 my brother got a Tuff Burner for his birthday, having rode it a fair bit I wanted one of my own and was lucky enough to get a Super Tuff Burner for Xmas which then morphed into a GT Pro by the Summer IIRC.

Offline Quadog

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Christmas 1983 I got falcon pro theta was over the moon after spending years on a grifter  trying to keep up with lads on burners

Offline chubby

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You've all seen this one before. Didn't get it at christmas though.. Got it just before my 7th birthday in April 1984 - A Falcon Pro Kappa. I'd fallen off it so many times that the framev& forks got badly scratched. My dad therefore sprayed it gold (i liked the super burner and gold Yes bmx at the time). I also applied a set of highly unofficial skyway decals to it. I also fitted a dyno plate - the black/white check perimeter one. Bloody loved that bike and it was bulletproof. I gave it away to a mate when i was 16. Wish i still had it, but have managed to find another since  :laugh:

Thought my blue thing might have been a falcon at one point. Then I saw yours & realised it wasn't, mine was not that posh  :LolLolLolLol:
WANTED : 1" freestyle forks, uglier the better

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"Knowledge is the acceptance of ones own ignorance." Socrates 399BC

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Saved for ages to put enough money together to make it up for my xmas present in 85? I think.

Found it stashed under my Grandparents bed, I remember the excitement at catching a glimpse of the Pro class wheels weeks before Xmas  :smitten:
Neil, the bathroom's free. Unlike the country under the Thatcherite junta

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Saved for ages to put enough money together to make it up for my xmas present in 85? I think.

Found it stashed under my Grandparents bed, I remember the excitement at catching a glimpse of the Pro class wheels weeks before Xmas  :smitten:

Great choice .. I would have loved this bitd.. Lush !!!
"Knowledge is the acceptance of ones own ignorance." Socrates 399BC


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Team Murray for me.

Offline boofy44

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A Taiwanese kuwi copy called a WMX weighed about 32 pounds.

Offline Mikku

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Not sure if this counts, having never received a BMX for Christmas, but Santa did bring me a Grifter some time in the late 70s!! One of my friends then got a BMX for Christmas (can't remember what but it was heavy and had a coaster brake) and we went straight out, built a wooden ramp and starting jumping the fooker. I then promptly wiped out after pedaling backwards on landing (it was my first ever time using a coaster brake!) and spend the rest of Xmas Day with concussion! Needless to say I have never ridden a bike with a coaster brake again! :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: December 25, 2016, 01:30 AM by Mikku »
From Dorset to Japan:-,182215.0.html
Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline fugazi

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Super Tuff Burner, I was stoked ha!
Do you grovel to your master? Do you beg like a dog?


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Not sure if this counts, having never received a BMX for Christmas, but Santa did bring me a Grifter some time in the late 70s!! One of my friends then got a BMX for Christmas (can't remember what but it was heavy and had a coaster brake) and we went straight out, built a wooden ramp and starting jumping the fooker. I then promptly wiped out after pedaling backwards on landing (it was my first ever time using a coaster brake!) and spend the rest of Xmas Day with concussion! Needless to say I have never ridden a bike with a coaster brake again! :daumenhoch:

exactly what i did !

Offline brettypeeps

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Falcon pro Theta for me. The firebird Freestyler a year later

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Offline insectbones

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Raleigh Super burner for me and my brother, pretty sure they were from a catalogue.

Christmas '81 IRC.

By the summer the gold coating had been stripped off, and the gold spoked wheels i swapped with a mate for some black Z rims, some CW pro bars came a bit later and that's pretty much how it stayed until it was stolen from Bognor pier in the summer of '85/6.

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