Spotted some interesting looking bars the other week and had to brush up on my french to ask if they could be shipped to the UK.
A few emails later and i was off to find some euros to send in the post as the lad didnt do paypal ( not reccomended i know but the bars were so cheap it was worth the gamble)
euros posted i emailed my french friend to say the funds were on the way and to have a good christmas

I ended up sending 3 euros too much as getting lower than 5 euro notes an a currency exchange is impossible. No problem i thought, couple of quid is nowt in the grand scheme of things, then i received another email.
The lad had recieved the funds and was adament i should select a pair of grips to make up for the 3 euros overpayment. He had 6 or 7 nos pairs to choose from so i just picked the colour i thought i would possibly use

Got in tonight to a box with an intriguing contents list

The box had a faint waft of provence about it and my suspicions were soon confirmed

Dont know a great deal about the bars but the brand seem well thought of in road bike circles