Cutting your nose off to spite your face if you ask me

I'm not a facebook person it's not really my cup of char I held out joining it as long as I could but I eventually gave in and signed up, if you don't want involved in all the silly nonsense that goes on then it's easy, if you're not interested in what someones had for their tea, wee Jimmys first go on his bike, here's me drunk, look at my lovely missus/children, check out my car/motorbike,speedboat,hovercraft, my big house, conspiracy shite etc etc etc just unfollow them or don't have friends at all it's that simple.
I just don't get why people get so hung up on facebook join it or don't join it, I have to laugh at these people who say "I'm not on it because my ex's are queuing up to stalk me", you're ex is probably off shagging someone else and couldn't give a flying fook what you're doing, come up with a more original excuse, like "the missus doesn't allow me on it because I'm a philandering basterd and if she catches me again she's going to hang me by the balls".
If you're interested in Old School BMX there's a few pages of interest and that's where most of the trading is done these days unfortunately.