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Offline Avro

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Do not get cross with me but...
« on: November 06, 2016, 01:51 PM »
This is a small community, often tight.
This can make things awkward for newbies, of which I am one.
I love the site and the 'vibe' but there are issues, at least as far as I am concerned, that I would hope to open a mature discussion about it. I have been about a number of forums and seen the pitfalls and victories, the drama and the mundane, so nothing is new under the sun.

I often see posts where people address others by their real life name and not their avatar name.
Now that is fine in chat but on a www forum? Please do not jump down my throat, just think about it.
It potentially has the effect of immediately suggesting a clique.
It potentially has the effect of intimdating newbies, I do feel this from time to time although it never stops me from adding my thoughts, newbie or not!

I did read a post on this site that had a poll regarding 'newbie' impressions but it was very old. Please, I love the site, nothing good has come from it as far as I am concerned, but the potential of fostering cliques, or the impression of cliques (and I think that is the real issue, not intentional but to a newbie?) is very real.

Keep it rad and welcoming. Please do not flame me. I am still new to the site and just wanted to give some constructive feedback on an issue that niggles. That said I have thrown myself head first into things with build threads, trades, sales and Q&A, long may I do so because it has been fun.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 02:51 PM by Avro »
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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2016, 02:03 PM »
This is easily sorted - what's your name?

My username is griff, but feel free to call me griff  ;)

The reason people use real names on here is simply due to having been on here for years & often meeting in real life, it has nothing to do with cliques.


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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2016, 02:06 PM »
PS if you look in the 'me & my bikes' section you'll notice a lot of people put their real names in there. Or at least they used to

Offline RATTY

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2016, 02:09 PM »
Dont stress the little things, I feel like a newbie on here now
A long time ago, in a land far away!

Offline CustardLips

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2016, 02:11 PM »
Avro... we've all been there mate. Sometimes it does make you feel a little alienated but i can assure you it isn't intentional. A lot of us have met many times on various rides and at MK on numerous occasions. It does take time to settle into the 'group' if you like but stick with it mate... it'll all come good in the end.  :daumenhoch:

"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"



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Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2016, 02:16 PM »
I think it's probably just a natural progression when you get to know or deal with people. I personally feel it just reflects members being friendly. I would say that maybe Facebook has helped break down a few barriers regarding real names and usernames. A forum reflecting openness and transparency has to be a good thing.

Offline Retrodan72

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2016, 02:20 PM »
Avro... we've all been there mate. Sometimes it does make you feel a little alienated but i can assure you it isn't intentional. A lot of us have met many times on various rides and at MK on numerous occasions. It does take time to settle into the 'group' if you like but stick with it mate... it'll all come good in the end.  :daumenhoch:


As is what happened with you Nick @ RADCHESTER '13, you chatted with me and Joff for 15 minutes, then went to the bar, Joff and I both turned to each other and said "who's that?"  :LolLolLolLol:

Avro, I can assure you, there's no clique, some of us just know each other as Griff said from the rides.

I have to admit though, there is only a group of say 20 or 30 members that are regularly posting on here lately, and keeping the forum going tbf. Many have migrated to FB, and a lot of the 'Old Guard' have come and gone completely, so as Nick said, stick with it, there aren't too many names to remember.



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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2016, 02:24 PM »
Great suggestion ... you'll get used it it.  :daumenhoch:

Carl .  :daumenhoch:

Offline Avro

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2016, 02:25 PM »
Some super replies and some less so.
Although I know that meeting each other irl is great that does not mean should not spill over into a www forum. I was only concerned that it gives a 'closed' impression to a newbie that is not necessary and, potentially, intimidating.
All is good and I have spoken to a number of you, through email, by first name.

So, lets make this an introduction thread: far more constructive.

I am Peter and I hope to make the next big meet with some killer bikes!
Anyone else feel free to introduce yourselves, avatar name or real, it matters not, go ahead.
Wanted: Shimano Aero frame
Wanted: Tange Axeblade frame

Offline Avro

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2016, 02:32 PM »
Should I go Faceboo? Please spare me.
Is that where it is all at? I do have a Facebook account I made for a project I was involved in so I could use that. I did have a go recently but really got nowhere. I am just not computer savvy enough, I was wicked with a spectrum mind.
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Wanted: Tange Axeblade frame

Offline Jaymz

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2016, 02:35 PM »
Hi I'm Jaymz also known in the real world as Jaymz

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2016, 02:50 PM »
I thought you were Dave!
Oh good grief
Wanted: Shimano Aero frame
Wanted: Tange Axeblade frame

Offline CustardLips

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2016, 02:53 PM »
Avro... we've all been there mate. Sometimes it does make you feel a little alienated but i can assure you it isn't intentional. A lot of us have met many times on various rides and at MK on numerous occasions. It does take time to settle into the 'group' if you like but stick with it mate... it'll all come good in the end.  :daumenhoch:


As is what happened with you Nick @ RADCHESTER '13, you chatted with me and Joff for 15 minutes, then went to the bar, Joff and I both turned to each other and said "who's that?"  :LolLolLolLol:

Avro, I can assure you, there's no clique, some of us just know each other as Griff said from the rides.

I have to admit though, there is only a group of say 20 or 30 members that are regularly posting on here lately, and keeping the forum going tbf. Many have migrated to FB, and a lot of the 'Old Guard' have come and gone completely, so as Nick said, stick with it, there aren't too many names to remember.

I also remember chatting to you after that and when you found out who i was you shouted Joff over saying "Joff it's him... it's CustardLips"
You'd both obviously spoke about me... maybe intrigued by my username or the fact i turned up for my first ride with an eyebrow missing (which i stated in the Radchester thread beforehand) after a clipper malfunction.   :LolLolLolLol:
"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"


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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2016, 02:55 PM »
 :welcome to  :radbmxsmilie:  Peter.  :daumenhoch:
"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"



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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2016, 02:55 PM »
I thought you were Dave!
Oh good grief

He also responds to Dave,  Peter


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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2016, 02:58 PM »
I'm not in any clique, never have, never will be.  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2016, 03:07 PM »
We spoke via PM last night Peter... It's Ant or Factory Pilot or Shady Ant ( don't be afraid it 's just  banter that happened on one of the rides and stuck so often people call me 'Shady'  :daumenhoch:
It's the same vibe on your first ride ... Intimidating from a newbie's POV But many of us have being going on rides for 5/6years together now ... We're all generally nice chaps and love to see new, faces, bikes both on the forums and the rides!

Peter the forum needs new blood like your goodself as it brings fresh energy, ideas and new builds which we all love to see :smitten:

The more you deal with us the more relaxed you'll feel I'm sure ...
We can all relate to this thread as we've all been there believe me!
« Last Edit: November 06, 2016, 03:09 PM by factory pilot »
"Knowledge is the acceptance of ones own ignorance." Socrates 399BC


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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2016, 03:48 PM »
What has been said is fairly bob on, a lot of people on here know each other from ride outs, sessions, online bromances etc.

So talking from the outside I wouldn't say categorically there's no clique/s but it's certainly not as cliquey as it used to be.

Most forums and facebook pages are cliquey, worst I've come across lately is Troc de Pieces BMX Old School, I've lost out on a few items through being ignored as have other non-French.

Offline Skate71

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2016, 08:05 AM »
Clique's, inner circles, outer circles and secret rooms are standard on most forums.

Similar to a many a clicky pub, a stranger walks in and it takes considerable time to feel welcome and part of the furniture.


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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2016, 09:49 AM »
 :welcome Skate71 to  :radbmxsmilie:

As I said to Avro above Rad always needs new members to bring their energy to the forum :daumenhoch:

By the way I loved what Rodriquez said above ..." ...on line bromances"   :LolLolLolLol:
"Knowledge is the acceptance of ones own ignorance." Socrates 399BC

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2016, 10:31 AM »
Peter you want to come to one of the ramp nights if you really want to be welcomed mate :2funny:

As the nights get darker we ride every two weeks and abuse the sheet out of each other constantly as we goad each other onwards. It spills over into the forum as we've known each other for so long so I totally get what you're saying as we seem very close-knit. I honestly believe it's just because we've all been friends for so long and had loads of laughs at MK and the rides and the ramp nights for so long now it's human nature to call each other by our actual names.

For me this site is actually a community who have the same interest but because we all meet out in the real world at least once a year at MK at least, then it's a whole lot more than typing behind a keyboard :coolsmiley:

Saying that, i've still never met Terry Londonhellboy after about 5yrs of chatting with him :LolLolLolLol:
Still limping......

Offline Retrodan72

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2016, 10:46 AM »
Saying that, i've still never met Terry Londonhellboy after about 5yrs of chatting with him :LolLolLolLol:

I doubt you will now Spen, he's jacked the forum.


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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2016, 01:30 PM »

As is what happened with you Nick @ RADCHESTER '13, you chatted with me and Joff for 15 minutes, then went to the bar, Joff and I both turned to each other and said "who's that?"  :LolLolLolLol:

Avro, I can assure you, there's no clique, some of us just know each other as Griff said from the rides.

Remember it well Dan  :LolLolLolLol:

Im Joff ..... Peter  :daumenhoch:   The more you put into Rad the more you will get out of it , get out on the rides/ramp nights etc and you will meet some great people  ;) 
WANTED : Old school BMX patches/sew on badges ......  please  :)

Offline Avro

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2016, 12:38 PM »
Thanks chaps! Great forum, loving it. Thanks for the welcome, I was feeling unloved!
Wanted: Shimano Aero frame
Wanted: Tange Axeblade frame

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Re: Do not get cross with me but...
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2016, 01:18 PM »
It is a bit weird when you first join up here and don't know anyone, but we are all here for the same reason  :daumenhoch:

The first two rides I went on I didn't know anyone there, but was still made welcome, and you soon find you fit right in  ;)

Trust me, you'll meet some great lads if you go to the rides or the yearly MK weekender  :daumenhoch:

Welcome to RAD Peter  :daumenhoch:

Lee  :daumenhoch:

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