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Author Topic: Dan Ca$h Memorial Race Day - Swap Meet - Show 'n' Shine  (Read 1310 times)

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Offline Gra_goose

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Due to the huge success of the day last year we have decided to hold a Memorial Day to rememebr our fallen brother Dan 'Cash' Stephenson. It will 1 year on from the time of his tragic accidental death in London on his BMX. $

a Facebook group and Runnymede Rockets together bring you a New & Old School Race day. We will be holding an old school racing competition in the style of 3 Motos, Semis and Finals if we can get 30 commited riders. Runnymede will also be holding their club race day on the same day so we get full use of the gates and so on.

There is plenty of space there as its located on a park so its great chance to bring the family along for the day. a Facebook group will have a couple of marquees where we will be holding a show and shine display the same as we did last year.

Food and drink is catrered for by the Club on the day but please feel free to bring your own refresments ;)

We look forward to seeing all you RADSTERS there.

Ride $afely

All the best

The a Facebook group Admin Team

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Offline ED209

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Re: Dan Ca$h Memorial Race Day - Swap Meet - Show 'n' Shine
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2017, 11:32 PM »
Graham - whats the actual date and address for this event?  :daumenhoch:
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas

WANTED : Victor DX 9/16 spindle or pedal

RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Events  |  Events  |  Dan Ca$h Memorial Race Day - Swap Meet - Show 'n' Shine

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