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Offline Drawn

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PR Racing - Sourcing Decals
« on: September 10, 2016, 07:56 AM »
OK so changing this up a bit. originally it was to confirm if i had a PR or Curtis frame (not going to delete any of that info) and have no come across it is infact a PR expert frame. Am now chasing up any info and pictures of the decals especially the rear chainstay decal to reproduce the entire set for this make and model of fr4ame as there are to the current knowledge no sets available out there copied or for purchase. any help is greatly appreciated.

------Below is the original first post------
Firstly, want to say my usual searching has lead me to you guys here at RAD. Having been having a good read and the info here so far has been great. This has now lead me to ask as you guys seem to know the most about Curtis Bikes about how to identify them if there are some parts that are a bit different, and some other searching has lead to there being some other very similar frames.

So I have come across a frame that is stickered as a Curtis Expert, and the welding work matches that of Brians.
however the dropouts are the same as the PR Racing frames.
In general searching I have noticed there are a few Brian Curtis and Curtis Freestyle frames out there with the same drop outs, however that's as far as the information on that path has gone.
what I am wondering is, is there any way to confirm if it is a Curtis or if it is infact a PR.
I am hoping someone here may know if PR used and continued on the Serial numbers from Curtis or if that may infact be what I can use to identify and confirm which it is.
if it helps the serial under the BB is 6 digits (last 2 being 84). and going off my 2016 Curtis I can deduct that the last 2 numbers are the year with the first 4 numbers being the build number.
I have tried to contact the fellas at Curtis about this but have not yet heard back, I have a feeling Gary is waiting on me to send some photos of the new bike to him first :whistle:

If anyone has any information on this it would be greatly appreciated.
If you need pictures or any other information let me know and I will attempt to get them put up here for you.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 10:30 AM by Drawn »

Offline CustardLips

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2016, 08:54 AM »
Someone here will be able to help I'm sure... posting some pics will help too. :daumenhoch:
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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2016, 09:13 AM »
Get some pics up  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2016, 09:51 AM »
Gashead or CurtisEXP will be along soon, both have a huge knowledge of Curtis bike history.

Would be good to see some pics though, they always help!

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2016, 11:00 AM »
haha yeah, in the searches those names have certainly popped up a lot.
wont be able to get pictures tonight (on down under time) but hopefully tomorrow will grab some and put them up.
Really appreciate it.

Offline Mikku

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2016, 03:05 AM »
The suspense is killing me!!
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Offline Drawn

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2016, 11:32 AM »
firstly sorry for the long time its taken for the pics, had a long day out racing on the MTB so didn't get home until late.

now hopefully this works, one way to find out I guess.

if you need any other photos to help identify it please let me know. as you can see the dropouts are making me wonder what it is and as previously mentioned you guys seem to know these bikes best.

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2016, 11:43 AM »
Defo a PR Racing frame  :daumenhoch:

Offline Drawn

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2016, 12:08 PM »
thought id also add these in as this is what I was referring to from previous research.
as you can see from my eye anyway they look similar in the dropouts.
unless of course they too are PRs that have been stickered?
and then the next question is. if it is a PR, any knowledge on where to obtain the decals from?

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2016, 12:25 PM »
Look closely at the dropouts, the seat stays on those Curtis Frames come a lot further back than the chainstays.

Now look at yours, the chainstays come further back than the seatstays.

Yours is a PR  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2016, 12:33 PM »
PR all day long
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Offline deeman

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2016, 03:27 AM »
The PR frames were made under licence at Rickman after Brian taught the guys there to braze. The 6 number serial confirms this.....
To all intents and purposes it is still a 'Curtis' frame...just not actually made by Brian himself, depends on how much of a 'purist' you are. the frames are still made of T45 and have the distinctive flared headtube. There are a FEW guys who would be able to tell the difference in the brazing from Brian's work but it really is small details. The chroming is amongst the best on these frames too and cannot be matched these days.
Hope this helps a little, pm me if you need more info...
Damo  :daumenhoch:

Edit...The decals could cause you some problems. Because of their relative rarity the decal guy on here Del does not have any PR decals as far as I know. I was looking to have mine reproduced but in order to do this I would need to remove my original decals to scan and I don't want to do this! Peter Rose of Painter Rose (PR) does not have any of the original artwork either.
But...where there is a will there is a way...If you are lucky someone on here will take a pic of the originals for you (or there might be some images online or on here even) and you could possibly get some drawn up that would be very close. I have a PR Styler (freestyle) so the decals would be no use. However the head tube decal is the same so if you want a pic or 4 of that I am happy to help.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 03:35 AM by deeman »

Offline Drawn

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2016, 10:51 AM »
firstly you guys are legends, really do appreciate everything you've done.
and thanks for the history lesson, so now its time to find out as much as possible about them.
Probably will keep it stickered as is until there is a full set of decals to put on it. Am actually quite interested to set it up all original as it appears it may be quite the uncommon frame.

as for the decals/stickers.
If you could take any photos even with a scaling next to it (ie a ruler for sizing) then that would be awesome as.
Have a mate who his long term buddy can get the stickers remade. They have done it before where they actually redraw them from scratch but can have trouble. Normally they scan them in but have worked them off photographs before
looks like the fork and main logo is the same
so yeah, if you can grab any pictures that would be awesome as, and even if it takes time if I can get a set made I should be able to send a set over aswell.  :daumenhoch:

Hopefully you don't mind, I may end up using this thread to add pictures to in regards to the decals, just to have an easy spot to find them over time.
So far have found a fair few good ones, but it looks like the rear chainstay sticker may be the hard one, if anyone has the ability to take the picture of them that would be awesome as.

Offline deeman

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2016, 10:52 PM »
firstly you guys are legends, really do appreciate everything you've done.
and thanks for the history lesson, so now its time to find out as much as possible about them.
Probably will keep it stickered as is until there is a full set of decals to put on it. Am actually quite interested to set it up all original as it appears it may be quite the uncommon frame.

as for the decals/stickers.
If you could take any photos even with a scaling next to it (ie a ruler for sizing) then that would be awesome as.
Have a mate who his long term buddy can get the stickers remade. They have done it before where they actually redraw them from scratch but can have trouble. Normally they scan them in but have worked them off photographs before
looks like the fork and main logo is the same
so yeah, if you can grab any pictures that would be awesome as, and even if it takes time if I can get a set made I should be able to send a set over aswell.  :daumenhoch:

Hopefully you don't mind, I may end up using this thread to add pictures to in regards to the decals, just to have an easy spot to find them over time.
So far have found a fair few good ones, but it looks like the rear chainstay sticker may be the hard one, if anyone has the ability to take the picture of them that would be awesome as.

Cool...I will get a some pics of the headtube decal and fork decals as mine are same and anything else that might be relevant. Unfortunately mine does not have the chainstay decals , just the green lightning flash, but on the seat stays. The chainstay decal says T45 Aircraft material above the flash and 'built to last' below but don't quote me on the last bit! Hopefully someone else may have be able to get you pic of them.
The PR's weren't available as complete bikes so you can pretty much build it how you want to....there is no original spec. If you want any advice on parts just ask... :daumenhoch:

Offline Drawn

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2016, 09:17 AM »
So a bit of an update I guess.
Contacted Del and he has said that he has the Headtube Sticker so that's a start. (have to start the collection somewhere)

Also have found a fair few good quality photos of the fork and Downtube stickers, so will have to work on getting them remade from scratch at this stage. will be a bit of trial and error to get the sizing right.

the only hard one appears to be the Chainstay sticker.
pictures I have seen I cannot work out the top words, although it does look like as Dee has said Aircraft material
however I can work out the bottom words do say "Light Years Ahead"

If anyone has access to a frame with the true stickers or can point me in the right direction to those that might, that would be appreciated. Have tried to contact a few people and unfortunately they don't have the frames anymore.
really want to get the ball rolling and have it returned to its original glory

also just quickly, would it be better to start a new thread for chasing the decals? Am still getting used to this forum and don't want to rock the boat, that's all. (and if so where would be best to put it)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 09:24 AM by Drawn »

Offline deeman

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2016, 11:11 AM »
Sorry mate, been a hectic couple of days and not managed to take decent pics...sounds like you are fairly sorted now! are correct about the chainstay decals...just jogged my memory!

The decal starts with T45...then has the green flash. Above the flash says 'aircraft material' and below says 'light years ahead'

I will try draw it for you and take a pic, I can measure my green flash as that has been cut from that decal.

Offline Mikku

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2016, 11:40 AM »
Love how this thread is panning out!  :daumenhoch:

Just my 2 pennies' worth but I think it would be great/really useful to keep all this info together, so I'd be inclined to continue the thread and just re-label the title. Maybe ask a Mod to be sure though.
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Offline Drawn

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Re: Curtis or PR?
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2016, 10:28 AM »
cheer for that Mikku.
Yeah definitely think that with how hard it is to find the info on its going to be worthwhile keeping together for others in the future.

progress will be a little slow at the moment. have a few other bikes (have to put together one of them) and racing to focus on at the current time. but we shall get there, and hopefully itll end up with the ability for others who need the decals to be able to order a set when they need.

Offline deeman

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Re: PR Racing - Sourcing Decals
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2016, 04:12 PM »
Hiya mate, sorry for late reply.
O.k It's probably not of much use but I have done a rough rendering of the chainstay decals...

All of my other decals including the headtube are different and specific to the PR Styler...if I can be of any other use just ask...measurements etc

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Re: PR Racing - Sourcing Decals
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2016, 09:39 PM »
Calling Rick1970 ........  Heeeeelp pleeeeeease! :D     We need some pics! you've seen these pics of his PR expert...?,178159.0.html ...fookin nos NOS NOS when he built it :smitten:

Offline Drawn

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Re: PR Racing - Sourcing Decals
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2016, 08:54 AM »
haha. yep I certainly have seen those pictures on numerous occasions.
which lead me to contacting Rick but unfortunately he doesn't have it anymore.

Have seen them pop up for sale though, so hopefully may be able to buy one that's all there and eventually be able to make a set from that to copy for other people in the future.
will just mean another bike for the collection  :whistle:

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