Ok lads, we are less than a week away, and the Rad Team have been working their bolloxs off for you, so please join me in saying a massive thank you to them.
You will never see the immense amount of work that goes into the event and the amount of man hours managing the project. We aim to get this event as Rad as we can, with displays, ramps, long jumps, bunny hop comps and racing.
This year we have even brought you Bob Haro and Mat Hoffman, which I still can't believe, I never thought All those years ago when MK was under a few gazebos, that the likes of these lads would be there......awesome effort by those who have arranged this to happen, you know who you are.
So, a few mentions, Waxintaxin, the MK mastermind, Rich is the man behind the scenes that's has
overseen safety, he has overseen a risk assessment for the event, which includes, public liability, evacuation exercise, fire points, fire marshals, marshals to protect you, and first aid for the entire weekend.
In2BMX, - what can I say, this lad has produced banners, mugs prints decals and loads more merchandise, his team at work have had the printing machines on for weeks making stuff for YOU.
Jaymz and Griff, these two have been badgered by me on a daily basis, sorting out all the artwork for the event, for decals, tshirts, banners, trophies, God knows what, I think I must have sent over 100 emails to these too, so again, my thanks goes to these towo lads.
mr Pickle, you can say thank you to him for sorting out show and shine, not only registration, but all the shit that goes with it, pens lucky bands, you think it, he gets it. he has also sorted a number of raffle prizes, alone with Ed and Griff.
Ed, the tshirts founder and man behind getting Rob Stelle there, and spending all day Friday building and dismantling the ramps, which I can assure you is a thankless task.
MK BMX - Parkstrust, dear god we push them, and we have had to properly persuade them to allow us to be there this year, following a few issues, so please lads, make sure you just follow a few guidelines as below, the main thing is we have a great time, but be safe.
A massive shout to the likes of Bubbs, Sawzall, Jay, Animal, Graham Steele, Steve Jones, Bretty and you Radsters bringing your bikes, so to show them off, this is what it's all about yeh....

And of course a big thank you to all the other mods admin, Brummie Bob, Gaz who work behind MK over the event and have had a massive input to the above too, as said, the work you don't see is immeasurable.
So on Friday, the Rad Team, which yes, does include invited members, will be there from about 8 in the morning, why - because we have to set the whole thing up - marquees, bogs, skips, fire points, catering etc. The ramps also need to be built, and that is awkward, as its bang in the middle of the access road, however we manage.
So as you see, this is one of the reasons we ask you to come early Saturday, another is because of the precautions we need to take being the risk assessment, as well as first aid, this year we need marshals for the event, FOR YOUR SAFETY, we will invite these members for the Friday, so they are briefed on what to do, fire officials etc, and also these chaps will direct you in from 7 am Saturday morning. There are a few areas reserved, so please respect what they ask, or where they advise you to go.
So, below is a rough schedule of events for the weekend, we hope to keep to this, but keep your ears peeled for any updates.
Friday - set up day
> Gates open for the event at 7am
> Ramps open from 10
> Collectors tents open from 10
> Long jump at 12 - Bunny hop at 1
> Bob and Matt signing at 2 - 3
Bob talk at 4 - 5
> Lake ride - 5
> Dog and Duck - open from 6 - 12
> Pig roast at 7
> Race registration from 10
Bob and Matt signing 11 - 12.30
> Show and shine registration - 9.30 - 11.30
> Raffle at 3
> Trophies at 3.15
> Close at 4
Various shops will be there this year, Biaggio, Alan's, Different Path, Del, B73 t shirts and of corse Radbmx, so make sure you bring plenty of cash.
The Dog Nad Duck will provide refreshments, however we also ask for any donations, being in liquid food or cash......the event has cost us almost £12k this year, which is donations from you Radsters and some VERY kind individuals, including the people that run this place, so if you can support us, please drop a few quid into the pots Saturday night

Last but not least, thank you, you who have built bikes, want to show bikes, want to come and see your mates, want to make new ones, want to shake hands with people you need to, and want to enjoy what we all do, our hobbie.....BMX
So, see you soon, and I know the above is loads to take on, but it's for you, for your safety, and for you to have a Rad time.
From all at Rad