Hi Newbie here in need of some words of wisdom and/or hard learned experience please

I've restored a 1995 Diamondback Reactor and for a first time I'm pleased with results. I've replaced bearings in the bottom bracket (working well) and the front hub (also spinning nicely) but the bloody threaded headset is driving me insane!!!!
The bearings were knackered and easily got replacements. Have watched literally dozens of how to guides on YouTube but try as I might I cannot get to that wonderful place where there is no play but also no stiffness in the steering.
The one thing that does seem unusual compared to every diagram I've seen and video watched is that instead of a slotted washer I have a threaded washer that goes on after the adjustable race and before the locknut. Not sure if that is meant to be tightened to same degree as adjustable race or up really tight like the lock nut.
I'm as certain as I can be that the bearings are in correct and the races don't look uneven or pitted but admittedly I'm no expert.
Any advice or suggestions very welcome before I admit defeat and take to LBS??
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