I've got these Araya 7x for a custom build I've got on the go at the moment , they have been painted candy blue but i really like the shiny side look , so i set to work .
Now I'm not saying this is the best way or even the right way , this is just what i did

The first pic shows how they were before.
I started by carefully sanding round the rim using my little orbital sander using a 180 grade disc , just going steady and keeping it as flat as possible on the rim.
When all the paint was removed i then hand sanded with wet and dry starting with 240 down to 600 grade paper this left quite a nice brushed alloy sort of satin finish
I haven't got a polisher so i improvised and used my orbital sander with a micro fibre cloth cut into circles stuck to it .
I went round em a couple of times with autosol and then a couple of times with peek and buffed em up by hand .
I'm proper chuffed with how they've come out so i thought id share with you guys incase anyone else fancies a bash
the pics tell more of the story

initial sanding

wet sanding

this is how they looked after all the sanding

A makeshift polisher

1 polished 1 not
