Ad from BMXA-80/06 

The top nut wasn't stamped but they had a colour coded locking washer (Blue Strip - Blue Washer, Black Strip - Black Washer etc) same story with the Tange MX-5. I've seen snide Tange stamped top nuts coupled with YST80's being passed off as MX-3's but YST quality is shocking when compared like for like. I'm pretty sure Tange bearing races held more bearings than YST as well but not 100% sure on that.
Apparently there's a slightly different size nut on the Adjusting Cup & Top Nut. Tange MX-3 fits 30mm perfectly but YST is a bit out (maybe imperial)??
MX-3 (left) V's YST (right):The YST Adjusting Cup isn't as high:
MX-3 (top) V's YST (bottom):The YST also has a larger flat area around the nut part of the Adjusting Cup:
Tange MX-3 Components:Adjusting Cup / Lower Stationary Cup Weights (allow for tolerance of 1-2g).

Inside Pics (both Tange shown):Note: Shallow threaded area, x3 distinct internal areas (flat - bearing seat - cup wall).
Also really neat holes (no burrs or rough edges).

MX-3 (top) V's YST (bottom):
Other Notes:On other fakes, I've noticed the Adjusting Cup has been heavier than the Tange part.
The Lower Stationary Cup has also been lighter. Both these fake parts also looked different on the inside.
Tangetastic. Hope it helps