I have a set of re-pop (JDB) Hutch freestyle bars. I bought them a while ago for my next build, as a back up in case I couldn't decide on what bars to use, and/or in case some OG bars didn't come up for sale. I've decided to use them now, but the problem is that the chrome job isn't the best, there are a few small dings in the top bar, and i'm not keen with the chunky oversized top bar either to be honest.

So the plan is to: strip the chrome, cut out the top bar, replace it with a new piece of chromoly tubing and get them re-chromed. The bottom bar is 5/8 inch (15.87mm) in diameter, so I've bought a piece of tubing the same size.
My question is: how does this compare to the ones on 80's Hutch freestyle bars? Mid 80's ones, not the ones with flattened crossbars. Could someone who has a set of OG bars and a set of digital calipers tell me the correct diameter of the tubing please?