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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2016, 12:55 AM »
I don't think people who don't use FB will be too bothered tbh Griff.

They were before, as were the people who simply wanted the FB page shut down  :teef:

keep the ideas coming though peeps!

I agree griff keep it as is, sell on Facebook only with links to here, knowing the sellers are reputable as Sst from here

Eh   :-\

Really don't understand your logic as to build the bikes you've built you'll have bought parts from everywhere.

As has been alluded to before the SST is no guarantee, deals go bad everywhere, deals have gone bad on here too, lets not kid ourselves. 

Of course I've bought elsewhere what I'm saying is that RADbmx FB page is not a sales page (never was set up for that) however if you're a site supporter you can sell on the forum and also if you wish link that to the FB page that is all, and yes deals go bad everywhere but they don't usually join the forum pay the tenner to sell something they've google images and never owned, I have bought of FB but I have not bought of someone I've not had previous dealings with whether that be many conversations, sold to , met at a meet etc I don't PayPal gift strangers just coz they happen to be on a FB page I'm on so SST gives me a little more security in that they intend to be on here to stay and are less likely to do a runner with my cash, of course we can all argue about what we regard as nos, mint, excellent condition etc that will always occur but it's more likely to exist and as I don't know if any scammers selling on rad FB page due to the fact they have to be a member on here I'd suggest it's working

Doesn't really matter what it was set up for it's a means to getting people to come to the site and it's not doing it because people don't go on the facebook page because there is nothing to buy so there is no one redirect well there might be the odd one or two but it has the least traffic out of any of the pages I'm on.

Right consider it this, if you were charging tenner a pop on the door and another place opened up that offered what you do but didn't charge anything and all your customers fooked off, what would you do?

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2016, 08:19 AM »
Plenty of ideas being banded about... not much feedback tho. ???
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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2016, 09:03 AM »

Right consider it this, if you were charging tenner a pop on the door and another place opened up that offered what you do but didn't charge anything and all your customers fooked off, what would you do?

Depends how far you want to take that 'club' analogy Paul

If one was run like a social club, where all the money raised on the door was put back into the community then I know where I'd go.

I don't use the sales section here, but I'm happy to pay the SST because I know how the money is spent
TBH I'm not sure how many people feel the same way, but I'm probably not the only one

I'm not pushing one way or the other on this - simply responding based on previous feedback from non-facebookers that they didn't want a free-for-all on FB. In fact there were many people that didn't want sales at all, so allowing links to sales on here was a bit of a compromise to keep things as fair as possible for everyone. Believe me it's quite a pain in the arse policing it and I get regular flak from people because of it. It might stop the page flooding with sales posts, but that was never the intention anyway - if you want to go and deal with someone you've never met on FB then the opportunity is already there in a billion other groups

Plenty of ideas being banded about... not much feedback tho. ???

For a change as big as this Nick I think it would be good to gather opinions from a few more people than have commented already - after all we're not just talking about relaxing rules on the FB page, but potentially how MK is funded as well. It's all worthwhile talking about though, especially since a lot of the topics/suggestions raised have been in discussion for some time already

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2016, 09:59 AM »

Plenty of ideas being banded about... not much feedback tho. ???

For a change as big as this Nick I think it would be good to gather opinions from a few more people than have commented already - after all we're not just talking about relaxing rules on the FB page, but potentially how MK is funded as well. It's all worthwhile talking about though, especially since a lot of the topics/suggestions raised have been in discussion for some time already

I understand that John and I'm not pushing one way or another... just pointing out folk are making suggestions but not getting much feefback in return. Obviously we all care about the well being of this forum and want what's best for it.  :daumenhoch:
Just be nice to know our comments/ideas aren't falling on deaf ears.  :)
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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2016, 01:19 PM »

Right consider it this, if you were charging tenner a pop on the door and another place opened up that offered what you do but didn't charge anything and all your customers fooked off, what would you do?

Depends how far you want to take that 'club' analogy Paul

If one was run like a social club, where all the money raised on the door was put back into the community then I know where I'd go.

I don't use the sales section here, but I'm happy to pay the SST because I know how the money is spent
TBH I'm not sure how many people feel the same way, but I'm probably not the only one

I'm not pushing one way or the other on this - simply responding based on previous feedback from non-facebookers that they didn't want a free-for-all on FB. In fact there were many people that didn't want sales at all, so allowing links to sales on here was a bit of a compromise to keep things as fair as possible for everyone. Believe me it's quite a pain in the arse policing it and I get regular flak from people because of it. It might stop the page flooding with sales posts, but that was never the intention anyway - if you want to go and deal with someone you've never met on FB then the opportunity is already there in a billion other groups

As for the 'club' analogy I take your point Griff but there's two ways of looking at that too, there'll be people who are happy to pay the membership (in this case the SST) to avail of the perks (in this case MK) and there will be people who aren't.  It's easier to measure the people who are happy to pay the membership than those that aren't because many of them have have moved on or simply don't join.

Time has moved on since the previous debates about the facebook page and it's relation to the site, the current strategy of closing the Market Place to SST holders only and only allowing sales on facebook page if there is a link to the site has failed in my opinion, traffic on the site and the facebook page has also drastically decreased.

As for people who don't use facebook at all, is it more than a handful now?


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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2016, 03:18 PM »
I hear what you're saying, you've made your thoughts very clear (a few times now :teef:  )

I would suggest that all this focus on FB sales is just one factor to consider, rather than just tinker with one thing in the short term it goes much broader than this, which means proper consideration of a wide range of members

Re: claims of drastic declines & failure..There have been comments on here periodically about how the site has declined, however when you compare it to many other forum-based sites it's still pretty healthy IMO.
For a UK-based website to have 49 members signed in in the middle of a working afternoon is not too shabby, not even counting the guests that are browsing. Many other forums are dead, or might as well be. We still get around as many people signing up per week as do the FB group, so it's not being left behind in that respect.
Don't forget, unlike many other groups that go around actively adding people (often using the Rad site) or spamming - we don't. It might mean that numbers are lower than others but at least the people that are here made the journey by themselves  :daumenhoch:

None of this means that things couldn't be better of course, or have to necessarily stay the same. I can't make the call on it ultimately but I'm happy to help collate feedback and pass it on for discussion. It would also be nice to see some more posts about restorations and new builds

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2016, 03:44 PM »
I think there's enough FB pages that are sales based I don't think it would make a difference (in a positive way) to the forum to open FB page as sales by everyone I do however enjoy the links you put up John about different things on here (no idea how many extra hits is creates) but for me pay your tenner if you wanna sell on rad forum or link to FB page or sell on other sites for free , but your tenner gives you so much more than freedom to sell and as I've said many times if you don't have the funds to pay £10 a year this is not the hobby for you, I'm sure most items sold make that tenner back from when you purchased it a couple of years ago so it's paid for straight away without the obvious perks that are created with your SST  and as great as it is to have as many members as possible both SST and non SST I'm sure in the end whether people like it or not the forum WILL go with what fully paid up members feel is the way forward which stands to reason and rightly so therefore if you've Psid your tenner this selling on Facebook without a link is a non starter

Obviously monkian SST started the thread so it's not all SST who think my way but tbh having a poll I would think would just end up SST vs non SST and as there's sadly far more non paying members it would hardly be fair that the majority get to dictate how the forum goes forward, far be it from me to say non SST don't get to air there views but they must expect the views of the ones who help fund the site to get listened to first so get your tenner a out and fight the good fight from within
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 03:56 PM by Jono »


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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2016, 03:59 PM »
not knocking Paul (or trying to get him to buy a SST :teef: ) but I would love to hear what other SST holders have to say about why they have one, whether they think it's worth it & what could be done to improve.

would also be interested to know what might make tags more appealing to those without one, or realistic suggestions on how we might raise funds otherwise - we need to raise money somehow, to keep this place going and pay for MK

I doubt there'll be many people suggesting we knock MK on the head

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2016, 04:11 PM »

would also be interested to know what might make tags more appealing to those without one

A sticker pack upon joining... everybody likes stickers.  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2016, 04:38 PM »

would also be interested to know what might make tags more appealing to those without one

A sticker pack upon joining... everybody likes stickers.  :daumenhoch:
We could send pics out autographed by the mods just like local radio stations do as poop phone in competition prizes

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2016, 04:47 PM »

would also be interested to know what might make tags more appealing to those without one

A sticker pack upon joining... everybody likes stickers.  :daumenhoch:

 :LolLolLolLol: but yes

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2016, 05:10 PM »

would also be interested to know what might make tags more appealing to those without one

A sticker pack upon joining... everybody likes stickers.  :daumenhoch:
We could send pics out autographed by the mods just like local radio stations do as poop phone in competition prizes

Perhaps chipping in with a good idea might be a more positive approach Jaymz.... instead of dropping smart arse comments in the mix.  :P   :LolLolLolLol:
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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #37 on: January 27, 2016, 05:17 PM »
Ive bought a SST (sounds wrong. I nearly put an ''an') evey year since its conception. I have had periods where I havnt come on here for a few months, then had the occasional browse etc. I don't sell on here, very seldom buy anything from here & sometimes browse the wanted.
Ive never been to MK (simply don't like camping).
I buy the tag because its only a tenner (and by habit TBH).
I personally don't think the tag safegaurds against scammers, its there to prop up MK, which is fair enough.
I have had times when I would have liked to sell on FB RAD, but simply cant be bothered to navigate (on my phone or ipad) photobucket, copying, pasting, then to do it all again.....when I can just do it on another page with ease. The other pages have more traffic too.
Its a shame, but that's the way it is.....
Anyway, another suggestion, anyway to make the site mobile friendlier, like the museum? I cant see fook all on the iPhone & unfortunately, like most people, I don't carry my lap top round with me......Its 2016... :daumenhoch:

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #38 on: January 27, 2016, 05:20 PM » relation to traffic, maybe people sign up to see what they get access to compared to being a guest, I know I have on many sites. Yes, people might be joining but what is the contribution level compared to new membership level.

Do the people who advertise their services and sites contribute financially towards the site or do they pay a fee for the advertisement only?

What about those companies that repop, Dia-Compe, Haro, MKS, etc. Could there be any potential sponsors to help with this place?

I haven't purchased an SST for a couple of years, mainly because I don't frequent this place as much as I used to.....also I've contributed and dedicated so much time over the years to OS-DB I've become far less tolerant to people in the hobby of want, want and want. Also, without the sake of sounding like I don't like banter, I do dislike coming across and observing...

1. Those who post or reply as if to provoke a response, certainly not in the interest of innocent banter
2. Unnecessary use of swearwords and images
3. Even Moderators seem to turn a blind eye to comments I've winced at.

It's interesting the amount of people responding in this thread, some I see are the usual suspects  :LolLolLolLol: who contribute a hell of a lot but why such a limited response by members as a whole...has it got to the point that people are just fed up, can't be bothered or feel if they say the wrong thing, someone will come along and single them out!

Tbh, this place hasn't the type of banter that was around ten years ago (then again I'm different to back then). Maybe the people to ask, aren't those who contribute, but those who don't.

I've actually left all the facebook groups because they're far worse than here and you can't replace a forum (apart from the group I run). I think you have to have the group replicating as much as you can to cater for those that prefer one or the other.

More food for thought or just dribble  ;)

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #39 on: January 27, 2016, 05:33 PM »
I don't really use FB at all anymore, I left all the groups other than RAD and the Skyway one but very rarely ever look in on it.

I'd like to think the SST does a whole lot more than just prop up MK every year.  RAD has contributed a huge amount of funds to different charities and also members who have found themselves in a tight spot through no fault of their own and this couldn't happen without your contributions.
The funds brought in also go to paying for hosting the site free of adverts (which I for one think is great) yes a large majority goes to MK and not just the free drink.......... The marquees, toilets, skips, trophies, raffle prizes and so on all cost money.

I think for £10 a year it's a bargain and it's not just about being allowed to buy and sell, it's about showing people that you support the best OS BMX site on the net.  I do think it gives a level of safety, yes we've had the odd issue with sellers but they're few and far between compared to what i hear goes on on FB.  When deals have gone tits up on here the mods have got involved and helped to resolve the issues which you simply don't get on FB.

On the subject of people selling on FB?  In all honesty I think there's plenty of other groups that cater for that which most people who frequent FB are all members, keep the RAD group for BMX only rather than having it turn into a bring and buy sale.



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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #40 on: January 27, 2016, 05:35 PM »
lots of people sign up and lurk
but they do that on the FB group as well :teef:

the sponsors featured on the cover contribute towards MK, which is fantastic - as this is an independent forum I don't think we'd want them telling us how to run the forum

nostalgia's not what it used to be :teef:


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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #41 on: January 27, 2016, 05:55 PM »
Just one example to have a think about

Bear's BMX group is a good example of a FB group that does well
It focuses on one main area and has a good amount of content on it
It also doesn't have sales allowed

The Rad group was only set up after the big crash, but carried on mainly because it's handy for people who want to organise rideouts, ramp nights, share photos and talk general bollux.

It was never intended to be a replacement for the forum marketplace, as Rob said there are tons of those anyway.
It was never intended to be the 'biggest, busiest FB group on the planet' - otherwise we would simply have gone out touting for members and dragging them in as part of some kind of willy waving exercise, possibly against their will
What is does do is offer a way into this place & let people get a quick look at the kind of thing that goes on here - it does have a personality to a degree which could easily be wiped out by a tidal wave of people offloading tat. That would no doubt make it busier, but is what you want another stream of items also for sale on every other identical group?
Looking at how many radsters are on those other groups already, I'm not convinced that they'd suddenly all jump ship and stop using their groups, so basically you might just be creating more of a dust storm

Like I said - I'm not pushing for either option
one option keeps it how it is
the other means less work for me and not getting the occasional slagging off for being the Rad  :police:

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #42 on: January 27, 2016, 09:11 PM »
I prefer to watch people give you shit griff keep it as it is

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #43 on: January 27, 2016, 09:49 PM »
Well, unless you guys are members of pages that I am unaware of, there are not that many pages that actually sell. There are many 'dedicated' to specific companies pages, to which I am a member of about 7, only because I own the specific bikes.

I rarely go on the Rad page, unless I have looked at the email content first and it interests me, as I rarely venture into the realms of meets, etc. I am not a drinker, and really don't see the 'riding' aspect of the hobby cycling from pub to pub until I can no longer ride, great fun, or a great ride. I'm not a party pooper, far from it, but that is not my thing. So the Rad page offers nothing that I don't see here on the forum.

I have always had a SST for the main part, as I do like to sell to Rad members, and use it for paying forward too. I try as much to help in the wanted section, the trade section, and general BMX enquiries. It's also setup through Paypal, so it takes it automatically  ;D

As for traffic on here....I would only assume that it's down to a couple of factors.

1. People do not have the disposable income to chuck at BMX bikes like they used to, so staying away from a source of temptation,
2. Facebook gives people the instant fix they need. A quick chat, a couple of likes, then back to whatever they have going on.

As for members being logged on through the day....

For a UK-based website to have 49 members signed in in the middle of a working afternoon is not too shabby, not even counting the guests that are browsing. phone is permanently logged in Rad, BMXmuseum, and Ebay. So I would also assume that many other members are also permanently logged in.

Just lastly, before my fingers get sore  :D  it's amazing how a little incident draws a bunch of members out the woodwork, but they soon drift off again. It's a crying shame that there is only a handful of members propping up the site with posts on the regular, even though, as Mark says, some of it is quite vulgar and unneeded, especially on a 'Family' forum.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 09:52 PM by Gnarlyscoots™ »

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #44 on: January 27, 2016, 10:17 PM »
Just one example to have a think about

Bear's BMX group is a good example of a FB group that does well
It focuses on one main area and has a good amount of content on it
It also doesn't have sales allowed

The Rad group was only set up after the big crash, but carried on mainly because it's handy for people who want to organise rideouts, ramp nights, share photos and talk general bollux.

It was never intended to be a replacement for the forum marketplace, as Rob said there are tons of those anyway.
It was never intended to be the 'biggest, busiest FB group on the planet' - otherwise we would simply have gone out touting for members and dragging them in as part of some kind of willy waving exercise, possibly against their will
What is does do is offer a way into this place & let people get a quick look at the kind of thing that goes on here - it does have a personality to a degree which could easily be wiped out by a tidal wave of people offloading tat. That would no doubt make it busier, but is what you want another stream of items also for sale on every other identical group?
Looking at how many radsters are on those other groups already, I'm not convinced that they'd suddenly all jump ship and stop using their groups, so basically you might just be creating more of a dust storm

Like I said - I'm not pushing for either option
one option keeps it how it is
the other means less work for me and not getting the occasional slagging off for being the Rad  :police:

Majority are yanks who like the early stuff but get your point about ruperts page but it a niche he's found rad isn't that

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #45 on: January 28, 2016, 08:34 AM »
I have been coming on the forum regularly for a while now. I don't post very often but chip in now and again.

I have never been to MK (it always seems to clash with our holidays!), I have bought 75% of the parts for the 3 BMX's from here, it is generally a friendly community (recent episodes excluded!).

Spen even took the time to pop in to my office with the frame I was interested in buying from his brother, that's the kind of gesture that adds to the community feel of the place.

I pay the SST, its a tenner. A magazine cost £6 these days - the amount of content and knowledge on here far outweighs any magazine you can buy, in my opinion its value for money and obviously keeps the forum running.

I have never been on Facebook full stop so couldn't comment on any of the pages. I would however keep the sale section for SST holders only. If people want to sell elsewhere then that is up to them, it is their choice. I cant see that allowing sales on the Rad FB page would generate any more traffic to the site - if the people on FB are not using the forum now, how will opening up an exclusive forum page to FB make them come here?


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Selling on facebook?
« Reply #46 on: January 28, 2016, 09:12 AM »
What OSBMX groups on FB are most popular for buying & selling?

I only really know of a couple, alongside my regional BMX group.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 09:14 AM by monkian »


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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #47 on: January 28, 2016, 09:21 AM »
come on guys, play nice  :police:

it's great getting different viewpoints but we should all be old enough to keep it civil  :-*

PS I've met Spen, he's a lovely little fella


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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #48 on: January 28, 2016, 12:44 PM »

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Re: Selling on facebook?
« Reply #49 on: January 28, 2016, 12:51 PM »
i fear i am in the minority big time here... but I just don't get Facebook  :-[

it does nothing to enhance my life or interests me in anyway.  Maybe i'm one of those few people who doesn't want to announce when they ate a donut or took a dump, or even post a pic of themselves or their family for strangers to look at, but I guess most do - god i wish i'd thought of it  :D

Never been on Instagram, but i hear it's a paedo's dream... (my mates daughter and her friends post pics of themselvves in the bath on there, they're 14 !)
I do have a Twitter Account though, rarely use it
Pinterest is good though, if you like photographs of stuff  :crazy2:

I digress....

Thats all i have to say, other than;

I heard FB prices for OS BMX stuff are vastly inflated ?


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