hey guys i have today been given the daunting task of reviving this from the rusty depths of my friend mr dave t's shed of old n rusty.
he has said to me that he bought it in 1996. i cannot find another one on the net with purple stickers searching under 1996 haro shredder.
i have found others with red and blue stickers but not any with purple as these are :-S does anyone know if i am looking under the wrong year?. anyways he has asked me to rstore it to its original glory. i have a friend wgo works in chroming so its going to be rechromed!
i am looking for any original parts that may help with this build as i know there are many variations of haro/fusion parts. any help will be greatly appreciated.
here are some more pictures of the stickers and if anyone can help sourcing an original sticker set in purple this would be greatly appreciated.
Also does anyone know if there is supposed to be a sticker here?