Hi all, my first post, great to see so many nice bikes and great enthusiasm for them on this site! To cut a long story short, I'm trying to restore my old bike which has been sitting around for quite a few years, the only problem is when I got the frame of a friend of a friend of a friend, 15 years ago and never knew what it was then, wasn't to bothered as it was strong with decent dropouts! Anyway as I'm trying to restore the old bike I thought it prudent to find out what frame it is at long last.
The only rumour!!!! At the time was that it was a snafu prototype frame, but who knows? I've been out of touch with bmx for the last few years and things/bikes/parts change pretty fast.
Anyway any help with id would be greatly received, many thanks Pasty
Ps number stamped on seat tube : S97118283
Number stamped on bottom bracket : 35811204