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Thought it would be good to post this build up as I do it from start to finish :daumenhoch: It will be a complete mish mash of parts but they will all be old school and with no repop parts whatsoever. I have done a couple of builds and my favourite part about doing a bmx is getting a good colourway right and balanced, which is not easy when your buying everything on line.
The resto side of this build will be a bit hairbrained, but you might get something from seeing the ideas that I have tried out and maybe learn a bit about what works and what doesn't work so well :idiot2:
I really want to do this one properly so any help and ideas would be great. I know with this build I am going to come up against a fair few issues such as lacing up a wheel, installing a gyro and I also want to use a three piece crank for a change. I am still a newbie and I don't ride, I just love a lot of things from the 80's and have always liked the look of old school bmx and the two other builds hanging on my wall look sweet :)
So here it goes :D
1st lot of parts gathered together. I tend to look on the bmxmuseum and then pick out the colours that I like the look of and choose colours I haven't used before. This one is going to be blue, white and green and this is what I have so far :daumenhoch:

Mike buff z rims, haro tyres and lee chi brakes :) First thing to do is to unlace the rims and start cleaning them as they are pretty dirty. The other bits are mint and have never been used.
A trip down the hardware store for some cleaning stuff and to see weather any of this stuff actually works :-\

I have had a go at cleaning tuffs before which were really dirty and nothing worked for them so I wasn't expecting great results but wanted to try and thought this time round ill use more patience:)
2 days later and I found that scrubbing with the pink stuff did sod all and neither did the power cream :-[ The jeyes fluid I didn't use as it said it wasn't good for plastic, so that left the bleach. I soaked the rear rim in 1 part bleach 3 parts water for a day, but again the dirt wouldn't budge.
From what I have read on other threads, my options were really aqua blasting, media blasting, sanding or using a razor blade. There is no where round here in Norfolk that does the blasting for plastics, so I thought Id start slow with a razor blade :daumenhoch:
Turns out that the razor blade is good for the brake rub if you hold it at the right angle and scrape softly in one direction, but it is slow and it can leave big scratches on the rims if your not careful. So I pulled out the sander with a high grade (180 grit) paper :)

This shifted everything with no effort whatsoever and it took about 10 mins for the whole rim. The downside is I lost the stamping :-\ You can still just about read it but that gives you an idea of the amount of plastic that was being removed. The front rim did better in the bleach but not perfect. Here are the two rims side by side

The one furthest away has been sanded but the other has just sat in neat bleach for a day :daumenhoch: I will do some more sanding on the other rim has it is a bit off white when put next to the other one. I guess I had to choose weather I wanted the rims white or weather I wanted to keep the stamping. I will be doing the front this weekend so will post up pics when I have done it :). I have also bought some green asahi 194 spokes and a front and rear 36 hole low flange suzue hubs which should arrive next week :)
In the meantime the frame arrived yesturday :D

I was told it was an 89/90 frame, but in looking at my other 80s haro team master, the bashguard fits differently. I googled 1990 haro bash guard and the pics that came up were matching my frame so I am guessing its a 90. This is a pic of the bit im on about

Its a shame as I don't really class 1990 as old school really but I do love the design on this so I think ill be able to live with it. I don't know if ill ever find a bash guard for it, but I keep checking ebay and the bmxmuseum and I have seen some older listings that are now sold so I might get lucky but at least I know that I need a 90's one as an 80s one wont fit.
The other issue is the decal set that Ill be going for. I want these but done in a different colour way. The frame forks and bars will be light blue sort of ral 5012 so I am still deciding on the colours for the decal set and am also waiting on Del to see if its possible and that he can do them :)

I was maybe thinking green lettering with the man being white but not sure yet. Can anyone confirm the year of this particular decals set as I have a same set on my other build which I thought was 80s. Ill post a pic of it :daumenhoch:
Forks arrived today and maybe I should have held out for the right ones, but these were cheap and I think they are awesome, so Im going to try them and see if they look cool enough :daumenhoch:

I was told that these are spinner forks and that they were made for se during some point or other in the 80s so I hope they are se standing gears. Also does anyone know if they should be decaled landing or standing gear??
Here is the frame and forks together :)

I reckon its going to look badass and cant wait to do more work on it :) but also appreciate it wont be everyones cup of tea. Must remember to make a note of the serial number this time before it gets powdered and I still have to find a white stem and have to choose a three piece crank set up.
Ill be looking for advice on this build and your thoughts on mixing up all the parts and it also weighs pretty heavy as it is compared to other framesets I have had in the past. Ill need info on wheel building and gyro installation and how to fit a three piece crank but ill also need advice on which ones to buy and a rough idea on cost.] and I guess they will have to be minty chrome or white if I can find a set

« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 02:52 PM by threaders »

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Re: My mish mash hairbrained 89/90 Haro team master build/resto starts :)
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2015, 06:20 PM »
Nice.  :daumenhoch:
Always fancied one of these but somehow invisaged it would be my last build for some reason  :-\
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Re: My mish mash hairbrained 89/90 Haro team master build/resto starts :)
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2015, 06:29 PM »
A great thread.. Love all the details of things working/not working ... It's really gonna look great mate! Can't wait regular updates on this bud!
Top resto and building so far !  :4_17_5:
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Re: My mish mash hairbrained 89/90 Haro team master build/resto starts :)
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2015, 07:42 PM »
The forks look surprisingly good with the frame! Should be an interesting build! 600 grit would have done the job on the Z's, 180 is far too harsh!  :daumenhoch:

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Re: My mish mash hairbrained 89/90 Haro team master build/resto starts :)
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2015, 10:56 AM »
Thanks chaps. Yes I should have perhaps done a bit more research on the resto of the z rims. I have only done the rear and have just read meisterjim's z rim resto :daumenhoch:
I have ordered some 12% peroxide cream and some 600 grit paper so will post up pics of the rear z rim resto when I get started :) Hubs have arrived and Im thinking of trying to save the chrome on the standing gears with a citric acid bath which ill do this coming week. I was going to get them powdered along with the frame but will see how clean they get with the citric acid. Thanks for reading fellas :daumenhoch:

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Re: My mish mash hairbrained 89/90 Haro team master build/resto starts :)
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2015, 12:08 PM »
Ace frames. Took me a good while to find the guard for mine (and all the pegs) but keep looking on bmxmuseum as they do come up  :daumenhoch:
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Re: My mish mash hairbrained 89/90 Haro team master build/resto update 1
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2015, 03:20 PM »
Hi everyone. Just updating my 89/90 Haro master thread as I have made some progress today with the wheels and have laced my very first z rim :daumenhoch:
All bits are now here for me to start building my rear Z rim.

This is the rim which was sanded and finished with 600 grit paper as recommended :daumenhoch: Its come out nice and clean but this was done before reading master jims z rim resto and in using the sanding method, I lost the stamping :-\
I basically used stidds wheel building thread in the tech and restoration stickies and the whole process was an enjoyable task which went pretty quick and smooth :daumenhoch:

Both sides done with the trailing spokes. I had to go over it twice as the first time I didn't get the spacing right between the spokes. It was an easy fix and was just down to me not reading the wheel build thread properly :-[
Further progress about half an hour in :daumenhoch:

Just got the leading spokes to do now and then put the tyre and tube on
Hope this looks correct :idiot2:

Now with the front rim, I tried master jims method of using 12% hydrogen peroxide cream. I didn't have the uv light but we had three sunny days in a row down here so I coated half the rim and left it hanging outside in direct sunlight. I brought it in each night and this is the result after four days. :daumenhoch:

Its a bit difficult to see but the left side has been peroxided and the right hasn't. Its definitely way more whiter in the light and I don't think ill be needing to sand it as its as white as the rear rim. Just have to do do the other half which should be done in the next four days and I wont loose the stamping this time :daumenhoch:
Looking forward to lacing this one up again and then ill start on the forks in a citric acid bath :) Thanks for reading :daumenhoch:


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Re: My mish mash hairbrained 89/90 Haro team master build/resto update 1
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2015, 12:01 PM »
Oooooo building one of these myself now.  Still waiting for the frame and forks to arrive in the post but I've already sourced a shed load of bits for it.  This was going to be a slow and steady build but I've pretty much got enough to put it together when it all arrives  ;D

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Re: My mish mash hairbrained 89/90 Haro team master build/resto update 1
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2015, 10:14 PM »
Any more pics of your build.
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Re: My mish mash hairbrained 89/90 Haro team master build/resto update 1
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2015, 04:08 PM »
Well, I was thinking of abandoning it and had the frame and forks up for sale separately  :-\ I sold the forks and had a few offers on the frame, but I couldn't bring myself to sell the wheels as I really like the colours aye on them.
Anyway, I came into a little bit of money and the first thing I did was to buy another set of standing gear forks ( I gave up trying to find some bashguard ones)  :daumenhoch: I know have a bashguard for it and a decal set from del, which I might get redone in slightly different colours. I'm finding it hard to get a colour match for Haro green. Got a nice gt mallet stem too.
I just need some bars (probably hutch ladder bars as all my other builds have skyways) a white seat and a green layback.
I'll get the other wheel laced this week and post pics of all the parts I have. Looking forward to starting work on it again  :daumenhoch:

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Re: My mish mash hairbrained 89/90 Haro team master build/resto update 1
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2015, 07:39 PM »
I like the colours on the parts.  :) Will look cool when put together.  :coolsmiley:

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