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Offline kowalski74

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Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« on: August 22, 2015, 05:43 PM »
So today I win an auction for an rl20 f+f at a really low price.
Ten seconds after the auction ends I get a message from the seller saying "i sold the items today for cash and could not end the auction"

All this after I messaged him last night to asked what he was hoping to achieve and he said "I've been offered £550 cash
and if I don't get near that I will pull the plug on the auction"(guess who forgot!!)

Anyway I then message back today saying he's being dishonest and that isn't legal, and i'm reporting him, to which I get in response "do what you want"

Now, i'd love to name and shame but it's not my style, and he's probably a member on here as he sent me some photo's
last night showing off his collection.

I just wonder if anyone has any advise? His feedback is poor, as as far as i'm concerned he is clearly lying, but what can I do?

« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 06:29 PM by kowalski74 »

Offline nosepickben

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2015, 06:20 PM »
You can't do anything. Find another. Too many twunts on ebay.

Offline kowalski74

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2015, 06:28 PM »
I thought it was a legally binding contract? I've had some moments on ebay but this one takes the biscuit, the guy doesn't give a shit its really unfair!

You can't do anything. Find another. Too many twunts on ebay.

Offline kalex

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2015, 06:32 PM »
I'd have no problem naming the c**t.

If he wanted a certain price he should have put it as a buy it now and not and auction.

He wasn't bothered about your winning bid to seal the contract so why should you bother about him, pop his name up

Offline kowalski74

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2015, 06:45 PM »

here's the listing, name to follow later, i'm off for a calm down beer!

Offline kalex

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2015, 07:40 PM »
At the end of the day mate if it sold for £800 he would have gone through with the deal.

I think you should pay through PayPal and make it as awkward as fook for him, that way you can leave negative feedback saying how you feel.

Offline nosepickben

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2015, 07:41 PM »
I thought it was a legally binding contract? I've had some moments on ebay but this one takes the biscuit, the guy doesn't give a shit its really unfair!

You can't do anything. Find another. Too many twunts on ebay.

Unfortunately not. The seller does not have to sell, he simply clicks on whatever reason he decides as to why the item is no longer for sale and that's that. Crap isn't it.

Offline kalex

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2015, 08:11 PM »
I thought it was a legally binding contract? I've had some moments on ebay but this one takes the biscuit, the guy doesn't give a shit its really unfair!

You can't do anything. Find another. Too many twunts on ebay.

Unfortunately not. The seller does not have to sell, he simply clicks on whatever reason he decides as to why the item is no longer for sale and that's that. Crap isn't it.

I'm sure that only applies up to the last 12 or 24 hours  before end date/time.

The auction end is the same as the hammer being hit at an auction house, if the item has had bids or reached its reserve, that item is sold and it forms a contract.

Offline kowalski74

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2015, 11:10 PM »
Right, well there have been a few messages passed between myself and the seller this evening, to cut a long story short, he basically said the frames been sold and when I said i'd report him his exact words were 'crack on mate'
people like him make me sick.

As for paying for the frame, I really don't fancy letting this guy know where I live, he seems a bit demented, and stated from his first message that if I paid he would just refund it. The worst thing about this is he thinks I can't see through his lies!
He even said 'don't worry I've already spoken to ebay' as if!!

unluckily for him I have spoken to ebay and can still leave him feedback, utter bell end and I hope he's reading this post
although when I told him i'd shame him on the public forum he wasn't in the slightest bit bothered

ebay user kerrysue51 aka knobcheese  Thumbs down

Offline McQUEEN

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2015, 07:29 AM »
The guy just got greedy and seduced by the money.

Get used to it, in all honesty eBay can be a double edge sword, I've had some great stuff off it, but also had a nightmare with some sales, you don't know who you're buying from, very often what you get isn't exactly what you bought, and I've had the same with a guy on here. Won an auction for a set of minty blue mx1000's, cables and levers, and then he wont sell them, punted them about on here, and then tried to sell them to me again when they didn't sell. All after the most buck. There used to be a bad sellers list on here at one stage.

There seem to be so many people after these parts / frames etc that lots of deals are done well before the auction ends.

For me, I really don't use uk eBay for auctions, just buy it now items that are cheaper than the high street, but I use usa eBay all the time, those guys are a lot more honest.
When I was born, the world was a far simpler place.
It was all just cops and robbers.
And BMX.

Offline kalex

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2015, 08:06 AM »
I thought you knew he was a member on here sorry.

I did see your link but was presuming you'd got his rad name.

A member on here tried screwing me on ebay, he didn't know that he'd bought stuff off me here or that I was a member on here. He bought a frame set from me on ebay with an accurate description and 12 photos.

I posted it straight away and he even built it up the night he got it. Then after a few days says the forks weren't what he wanted so wanted a part refund.  I told him to send it all back then as I'd done nothing wrong and I'd give him a full refund. I never heard back till the ebay buyer protection was nearly up saying he wanted a money refunding. I had to call ebay and surprisingly they went through all of the messages and my original advert and they sided with me as I'd been more than accommodating in trying to refund him.

just because someone's a member on here they can still be dishonest.

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2015, 08:14 AM »
The seller is in the wrong big time,

This was a badly worded listing, no mention of BMX in the title, so no wonder it didn't get many bids... I see the seller also added some comments as follows

On 21-Aug-15 at 17:43:45 BST, seller added the following information:
I am not gonna let this frame set go at a silly price

If he didn't want to sell it for a sill price then he should have put a reserve or higher start price,

Just goes to show that eBay is full of numpties... Best advise would be to put it down to experience, shame though as that was an absolute bargain.

Personally I would still report the seller to eBay

Offline john4130

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2015, 09:27 AM »
i was watching that rl20 as well and was going to bid, but missed the notification on my phone as i was sitting in the pub and never heard it. i did hear the notification for the mcs styler the same seller was selling though and bid on it and won only to get the same message that you had got saying it had sold that morning and they couldn't end the auction. prick

Offline kowalski74

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2015, 09:40 AM »
Thanks guys, like a few of you I've had the some very bad experiences on ebay, both  from a buying and a selling point of view.
And although it doesn't show it, I am actually a long time user of the rad and I too remember the name and shame section in the ad's on here and also the props one which I never had any problems commenting in.

Today is another day, I've let it go now, ebay are well aware of this guy and i'm just about to leave some tasty feedback.
I just hope that kharma does exist as it seems that dishonesty never really does get punished these days!

Anyway rant over and hopefully it's given a few of you guys the chance to avoid dealing with this nipple in the future

thanks again for the advise


Offline kdw712

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2015, 09:44 AM »
All you can do is report to it Ebay
Name and shame on here to help others
And keep looking

As said above Ebay is full of twunts
cheers Kev
{ wanted : "Red Haro Handle" brake lever link to my trade post }

Offline kowalski74

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2015, 10:30 AM »
Hey, sorry for some reason I didn't see your post, what a complete c%nt this guy is! you probably got the same lazy couldn't give a sh%t response that I did? plus every time he responded he kept calling me i'm not your mate moron!
I know it's scant consolation but I hope you reported him too? I've just gone to leave feedback and for some reason it's not letting me

i was watching that rl20 as well and was going to bid, but missed the notification on my phone as i was sitting in the pub and never heard it. i did hear the notification for the mcs styler the same seller was selling though and bid on it and won only to get the same message that you had got saying it had sold that morning and they couldn't end the auction. prick

Offline CD17

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2015, 11:14 AM »
Just keep bidding on his stuff in future with silly high bids & don't pay the twat, ebay can work both ways  ;D

Offline kowalski74

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2015, 12:57 PM »
just managed to leave him poor feedback(like he gives a shit!) please do the same if you don't mind?
Also just noticed that on your listing and my listing the item locations are totally different even though the photos are taken in the same spot, now i'm no Sherlock and this may be quite normal, but your frame is in liskeard and mine is in London?
that seems a bit weird?

Hey, sorry for some reason I didn't see your post, what a complete c%nt this guy is! you probably got the same lazy couldn't give a sh%t response that I did? plus every time he responded he kept calling me i'm not your mate moron!
I know it's scant consolation but I hope you reported him too? I've just gone to leave feedback and for some reason it's not letting me

i was watching that rl20 as well and was going to bid, but missed the notification on my phone as i was sitting in the pub and never heard it. i did hear the notification for the mcs styler the same seller was selling though and bid on it and won only to get the same message that you had got saying it had sold that morning and they couldn't end the auction. prick

Offline kalex

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2015, 01:02 PM »
If both of you had the same reply back, you ought to both report it to ebay and also tell them you no for sure he's done this on other auctions of his/hers.

next time he lists, someone should bid a very high amount ( needs 2 to get high). he'll be mega chuffed, but don't pay or contact him so when he asks for payment you can reply "sorry it must have been my 4 year old child Messi g around on my computer so I'll have to cancel"

Offline kalex

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2015, 01:03 PM »
Also while everyone's looking at this thread, this one could do with a reply lol,183805.0.html


Offline Ady

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2015, 01:10 PM »
This is has happened to me a few times and there is nothing you can do..
In fact if you had paid he could have holded onto your money for up to 21 days and then refund you as he don't want to sell..
It has happened to me soooo many times..
All ebay will say it's between you and the seller...
All you can do is leave him neg feedback..
But these  :bellend: have one/ many accounts for selling and one for buying..
I buy most of my frames off here now as you don't get mess around and to be honest had it with ebay...
Just switch of now bud as it will deffo happen again..

Real men have Dachshunds I have three / now two 😓 missing you../ back too three with a rescue dachie

Offline kowalski74

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2015, 01:12 PM »
 ;) well I've reported him and left feedback, ebay is good in the fact that they just check your message history and the guy is such a bs merchant they are on to him, hopefully John will do the same, as for the other bit doesn't that just make me as bad as him?

Tempting though isn't it!!

Tbh, i'm pretty sure he'd be a member on here and i'd like to just find out his user name so he can be well and truly outed in public.

If both of you had the same reply back, you ought to both report it to ebay and also tell them you no for sure he's done this on other auctions of his/hers.

next time he lists, someone should bid a very high amount ( needs 2 to get high). he'll be mega chuffed, but don't pay or contact him so when he asks for payment you can reply "sorry it must have been my 4 year old child Messi g around on my computer so I'll have to cancel"

Offline kowalski74

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2015, 01:16 PM »
ha ha, I could actually help you with this but the Mrs's scales are let just say 'old school'
Also while everyone's looking at this thread, this one could do with a reply lol,183805.0.html


Offline Ady

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2015, 01:24 PM »

I often ask if he is a member on here to save pp fees etc..
And do the deal ..
If no reply I leave it..
Seen so many cheap deals get sold on ebay ..
Then magically appear the following week..
So many chancers now ..
They see the price they go for and think they will get the same.
Been watching a item I think is still on now of loads of gt bits with loads of chain rings wheels etc..was up to £300 then decides to pull it last min..
He said problem with postage cost..
Then starts again from £600  :LolLolLolLol: :bellend:

If both of you had the same reply back, you ought to both report it to ebay and also tell them you no for sure he's done this on other auctions of his/hers.

next time he lists, someone should bid a very high amount ( needs 2 to get high). he'll be mega chuffed, but don't pay or contact him so when he asks for payment you can reply "sorry it must have been my 4 year old child Messi g around on my computer so I'll have to cancel"
« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 01:26 PM by Ady »
Real men have Dachshunds I have three / now two 😓 missing you../ back too three with a rescue dachie

Offline kalex

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Re: Been done on ebay, advise needed please
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2015, 02:53 PM »
ha ha, I could actually help you with this but the Mrs's scales are let just say 'old school'
Also while everyone's looking at this thread, this one could do with a reply lol,183805.0.html


are they around 0.5 kg so 1.1 lb

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