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Quote from: WINI on August 21, 2015, 07:40 AMStill haven't made it back to somewhere random in Milton Keynes to find my bike.....
Still haven't made it back to somewhere random in Milton Keynes to find my bike.....
Ok ... for my self , i'm preparing MK from weeks ago . Finish some new builds few days ago and refreshing older others ones . Too happy to find easily a room in holiday inn to meet some radster tonight . I leave my house here in Belgium at 1.30 pm to pick up my best friend . After 2 hours of riding to calais , we 'll take the ferries ... We must be there in MK about at 8 pm ... I make my best to stay cool with my wife here at home but I'm so exciting to come again at the MK !!! Some pics before the departure .... See you tonight !
Just back in Leeds, had my one job done in London done for 9.30 and headed straight back. M25/M1 was pleasant for a change, nice easy drive back.Now I'm back I need to look at getting the zippo fixed for tomorrow. Every time I pedal the rear wheel jumps and moves to one side no matter how tight I have the rear nuts so I've got some chain adjusters that have came in the post while I've been away. Need hope they will go on as I have 14-10mm axle adapters in place which is going to make it tricky.Other than that I need to sort out all things I'm bringing and get a few things from the shops. Then it's a case of loading the van in the morning and making our way down.