If it's the original paint I would just change the decals..
Mine has a few chips here and there but being black I bought some black paint and touched in the marks and looks fine...
The decals I had from del lifted the look of the frame and looks more fresh like the decals on you forks..
I got black tuffs to use when riding and the zeds when on display ..
The zeds are a pain because of the decals..
They mark so easy..
I am buying tomorrow a set of gold arya aero rims with high flange hubs which was my second choice after the zeds..
But it might not work as you don't want too much gold or it will look too blingy if you know what I mean..
I would go for the comp 111's they look much better..
I have both sets fitted ..
Comp 111. race

Kenda k55.. freestyle
