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Pro Series Pro XXL OS
« on: August 11, 2015, 10:36 AM »
Has anyone ever rides on of these before?
I'm interested to see how it rides compared to a 20" and cruiser

I can't quite work it out, is supposed to be close to 22" wheels but still runs 20" rims. Is it just big (deep) tyres?

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Re: Pro Series Pro XXL OS
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 12:32 PM »
I was banging on about my 22" Faction Zietgiest for yonks and then the S&M came out, followed by the Faction Almero.

One thing I read was that the outside diameter of the wheel including the tyres was how the bikes were classified and whilst I am fully prepared to be corrected, I believe that 22" was decided as the dividing line between "regular" BMX and "cruisers" way back in the day, a ruling that never changed.

At a smidge under 22" outside diameter, the Faction bike wheel and tyre first produced was able to exploit this loophole, but the problem was it was a heavy bike with poor quality components, designed to get the idea of 22" out there. Once the Almera was produced, Faction reduced the wieght and provided the bike as a kit of f&f, wheels and tyres only so you put your own quality parts on it. Again, I think thier custom tyre still measured just under 22" OD so they were still able to sneak into the "regular" class. When S&M produced their bike it was not the same and the larger tyre OD meant it was sat at or just above 22" (I think), making it questionable if it could race with regular 20's.

This GT appears to be another custom 22" rim with custom sized rims and tyres to ensure it is way under the 22" cut-off from what I read?
Still limping......

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Re: Pro Series Pro XXL OS
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 12:39 PM »
Yeah I think you're right on all counts.
I've had a look at a few Zietgeists but they look way too heavy for a track.

Could you "legally" race a 22" S&M in the 2" category in that case? I'd love to have a rip on the os20 GT just to see how it feels.

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Re: Pro Series Pro XXL OS
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2016, 11:32 AM »
This reply is probably a fair bit late but here is some info on it for those interested as it is quite hard to come across throughout the web. (feel free to delete if you see fit as I know many places are iffy about "thread digs")
the OS is basically a 1 3/8 rim diameter (451mm) but made wider to suit a pro sized tyre, of which only tioga make them.
22" is from memory is a 457mm rim diameter, but feel free to correct me
originally it was designed in conjunction with Mike Day to create the biggest allowable tyre size for racing under the USA rulebook. for your own local rules just ask as to what a 22" is classed as. If its anything like here down under a 22" is allowed in the 20" class.

there are a few options as to riding on these wheels. many carbon forks such as daggers can fit the os20 size only just, meaning you can put them on a normal 20". at the rear though you run into the problem where you generally have to run them near on the rear of the drop outs, along with either running brake extenders or a set like Pauls.
another fork option is to run a set of 22" forks. plenty of clearance in a set like the 22" pitchforks. but it does put the geometry out a bit making it slightly slacker.

the GT OS bike is a pretty solid bike to ride. If you get a chance, definitely give it a go.
I had one custom made by Curtis (will get something up on it eventually) to suit the 22" fork along with being able to run normal brakes, and the best way to describe it is: it is forgiving and rolls like a cruiser, while at the same time being as nimble as a 20. Have found going from the OS to the cruiser that there is near on no difference (if its set up very similar).
If anyone has any more questions on them feel free to ask. Its something that down here theres been a fair few people toying around with them in regards to trial and error of how to set them up.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2016, 11:36 AM by Drawn »

Offline VOIVOD

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Re: Pro Series Pro XXL OS
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2016, 11:32 AM »
 :) I`ve rode the OS20 GT a few times and hated it...You can race these in the 20" class.The outer diameter of the tyre is pretty much the same as 1 1/8 or 1 3/8 wheels as found on mini,junior 20" bikes.
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