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Author Topic: BMX Prices  (Read 2545 times)

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Offline Swivel

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BMX Prices
« on: August 12, 2015, 02:59 PM »
Alright chaps, long time no speak! Been out of BMX, certainly not bought anything since last MK, a whole year ago, madness how time flies

Just starting to get back into BMX yet again, but been on Ebay and noticed that a lot isn't selling, decent stuff too, I know there's a lot of s**t out there people are trying to flog off, but there's plenty of good parts on Ebay and i've noticed here on Rad that a lot of parts isn't selling, certainly not like it was last year. Has the market changed?

In your opinion, what parts have gone up and what has gone down since the last MK?

Just interested :)


Matt :)

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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2015, 03:08 PM »
everythings too expensive now, prices of low end tat have driven up the prices accross the boards, people willing to pay £200 for a cheap toy store frameset thats worth £100 tops on a good day with a tail wind has just exploded everything upwards, but still lots about, but not a great deal sells as people want champagne money.
Shopping from the states is where its at now really. Still bargains to be had from our US brothers


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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2015, 03:12 PM »
In before anyone says 'bubble' :teef:

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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2015, 04:14 PM »
I agree completely nothing selling at prices being asked, but I see that as a good thing, if your holding onto stuff to sell at premium prices, tough...., let the prices tumble I for one would be happy as I'm having to reluctantly sell stuff just to buy something else we're all gunna be left with our dicks in the wind eventually but I'd definitely say it's peaked,  bubble burst( no) but Ive always kept my eye on eBay and things are definitely changing so hopefully more reasonable prices will start to emerge

Offline Swivel

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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2015, 04:46 PM »
I don't sell sod all Jono lol, god knows what is in my loft  :D

Just interested to find out people's opinion on the market. Glad to see things aren't going for stupid prices like they were a year ago, but also surprised a lot of things not being snapped up.

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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2015, 04:59 PM »
I don't sell sod all Jono lol, god knows what is in my loft  :D

Just interested to find out people's opinion on the market. Glad to see things aren't going for stupid prices like they were a year ago, but also surprised a lot of things not being snapped up.

I think things are just on the slow side again - I try to price my stuff to sell even if I'm losing on them as I'd rather the money was back in my pocket to get wasted on shiny stuff rather than sat on a shelf gathering dust.......  I dropped the price to £350 collected on a mint Hutch pro racer with Tange 300 headset, tange headset lock, tioga seat clamp and padset and still had no takers until I stuck it on Faceache........ its still sat in my garage........  Mint Araya Aeros with high flange Suzue hubs, mint comp 3 tyres, mint freewheel £200 collected - still sat in my garage.  I don't think they are not worth it (I paid more, but that's my problem) its just a matter of timing that no one wants them at the moment.
You always need a cheese option......

Offline Jono

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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2015, 06:22 PM »
I don't sell sod all Jono lol, god knows what is in my loft  :D

Just interested to find out people's opinion on the market. Glad to see things aren't going for stupid prices like they were a year ago, but also surprised a lot of things not being snapped up.

Not directed at you Matt, just meant those holding onto stuff for financial reasons tough! Not coz u don't wanna let it go

Offline Retrodan72

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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2015, 07:42 PM »
I don't sell sod all Jono lol, god knows what is in my loft  :D

Just interested to find out people's opinion on the market. Glad to see things aren't going for stupid prices like they were a year ago, but also surprised a lot of things not being snapped up.

I think things are just on the slow side again - I try to price my stuff to sell even if I'm losing on them as I'd rather the money was back in my pocket to get wasted on shiny stuff rather than sat on a shelf gathering dust.......  I dropped the price to £350 collected on a mint Hutch pro racer with Tange 300 headset, tange headset lock, tioga seat clamp and padset and still had no takers until I stuck it on Faceache........ its still sat in my garage........  Mint Araya Aeros with high flange Suzue hubs, mint comp 3 tyres, mint freewheel £200 collected - still sat in my garage.  I don't think they are not worth it (I paid more, but that's my problem) its just a matter of timing that no one wants them at the moment.

People are keeping hold of their cash, to see what goodies are available at MK Bert.


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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2015, 09:48 PM »
Everything's too expensive now, prices of low end tat have driven up the prices across the boards. Shopping from the states is where its at now really. Still bargains to be had from our US brothers.
I think there are a few reasons Matt. There are a lot of low end parts commanding the prices of high end parts. This is due to people hoarding what they have or are just not letting it go. I think a lot of people have learnt that they sell stuff at a reasonable price and when/if they need it again, they are being forced to spend nearly twice what they sold it for, thus keeping old of it.

You also have people hoarding lots forcing prices to rocket as the items become very scarce. When they leak the items onto the market, they can pretty much ask what they want, as someone will buy it. A lot of that going on on Facebook at the moment.

MK is just around the corner so people tend not to buy either side of that. They save up, grab some bargains, see the selling prices after MK, and won't buy as they bought at bargain prices there.

As Jaymz said, the USA is the best place to buy. Even with postage, the prices are still better due to the exchange rate. I just picked up a NOS set of ACS Mags, posted to the UK, for half the price I was quoted for a set over here.

As a Haro man, this should give you some idea  >>

1987 Haro Master, original survivor frame, fork, standers, bars, stem, gyro, headset and NOS gyro cables. For the tidy sum of $850 (£545). Postage will be $85 (£55) so, for a total of £600 say, you all of the above. Just the frame and fork sell in the UK for £500, the bars for £100+ etc. You see bud  :daumenhoch:


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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2015, 11:10 PM »
You don't need to tell Matt about hoarding Terry - he's got a fooking loft full  :teef:

Offline Swivel

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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2015, 11:41 AM »
You don't need to tell Matt about hoarding Terry - he's got a fooking loft full  :teef:

Oi  :knuppel2: ;D

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Re: BMX Prices
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2015, 12:40 PM »
things do seem a tad quiet, welcome back by the way Matt  :daumenhoch:

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