My neighbour and mountain biking riding buddy was showing me some old pics of his childhood that his Mum sent him a while back ... one of which was him on his Super Burner. " It's still in my Mum's garage" he said... !
So, yesterday, his Mum traveled from Northumberland to Devon to visit, and brought it with her!
And here it is!
He has no desire to use or keep or restore it, so I guess he will want to sell it to try and buy his 6yr old daughter a new bike. If this were a PK Ripper or a GT or S&M or anything else I may have an idea of it's value, but having never ever restored an old Burner, I have no idea. I've always thought they were a bit pants, but as a little slice of history, pretty cool.
I actually used to have this exact model of bike, which I stripped back to chrome in the late 80's and rode for yonks, but if anyone here has an idea of the value of this, please let me know and I can see if it might go to a new home. I think it seems all original? Flat rear tyre, loose cones, but it all seems pretty good really. Gold peeling off in places, but such a cool survivor.
Thanks for looking, all the best, Steve.