In my own opinion, Facebook has it's place in the grand scheme of things.
There are members on here now that wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Facebook and themselves being pointed in this direction. You open yourself up to a far wider audience, albeit to some rather colourful characters too, which can be a huge benefit. I have sourced parts through Facebook that I just couldn't pick up within this forum. I have also found some very intellectual characters too, with huge amounts knowledge, that have 'friended' myself, and had some great conversations with them, eye openers too.
Facebook has the ability for instant engagements, even though it does attract some idiots along the way, but they soon get dealt with on the pages I use. If you need a question answered quickly, this can help, or be a hindrance, as there is a lot of opinions out there.
I have found the Rad forum very very slow over the past few months and I hope it is just because people are using the good weather to get out and about on their bikes, rather than just have them sitting there collecting dust. I also feel it does need some new, fresh ideas coming along too, to help get the forum buzzing again.
Either way though, it is here, whether you like it or not. You can choose to use it, or stay away. I prefer to use both and will continue to contribute to the forum as much as possible as this is the place where I feel most at home in