I want to move away from the sad times and post some of the things Scot has done for BMX. If you don't know who he was, know little about him or just a fan of BMX pull up a seat, crack open a beer and toast some amazing achievements.
It's a long list

He first organized what was called Pedal-Cross at the time on November, 14th. 1970 aged 13, and established a track in a vacant lot in Long Beach, California. He also founded what could be called BMX's First Sanctioning Body of any kind, the Bicycle United Motocross Society (B.U.M.S).
Established the first rule book, points system and trophies. The first ever BMX trophy was designed by Scot, he based it on himself riding a Motocross bike. If you have a BMX trophy with a kid pulling a wheelie it's the OM.
1970 First sanctioning body with rules, points system, classifications and championship events.
1971 Promoted first California State Championships.
1972 Promoted & conducted first official-paid BMX racing schools.
1972 First California State Champion in 16-over Expert Class
1973 Promoted first 100% trophy race.
1973 First rider featured on a P.O.P. display in all Sears and Montgomery Ward stores for Matthews Motocross.
1973 First featured rider in national news…Parade Magazine and CycleNews.
1973 Built and created first municipal BMX track for cities of LaPalma, Cerritos & Westminster, CA.
1974 Promoted, conceptualized, created, designed and laid out coursed for the Yamaha Bicycle Gold Cup Series with Finals at LA Colesium.
1974 Won Expert Class at first event of the Yamaha Bicycle Gold Cup Series on July 20 at Birmingham High School.
1974 First featured rider in premier issue of Bicycle Motocross News.
1974 Created first BMX trophy figurine used for awards, derived from pictures of the OM on a motobike. Worked with Majestic Trophy in Ontario, CA
1974 First rider and BMX promoter featured in an international magazine (Popular Mechanics).
1975 Promoted, conceptualized, designed, laid out courses for the Yamaha Bicycle Gold Cup II, where there were 6 events over 2 days. ALA ISDT format – Trials, obstacle course, drags, hill climb, BMX race, downhill and Cross Country time clock.
1975 First BMX rider on cover of Shimano World Magazine.
1975 Promoted, staged and announced first BMX Pro Race at Saddleback Park w/$200. purse.
1975 Announced first NBA Grand Nationals at Randall Ranch, sponsored by Shimano
1975 First Nike-sponsored BMX rider.
1976 First to use tubing shape in alloy frames, Foiler teardrop designed for Cycle Pro.
1976 First NBA Sidehack National Champion with Jeff Utterback.
1976 Created first full BMX uniform, with coordinated helmet, jersey, pants and shoes; red/yellow.
1976 First editor of BMX Action magazine and creator of Scotomania.
1976 Created and conducted first national tour of racing clinics, safety seminars and racing NBA & NBL Nationals.
1978 Created first professional racing organization (P.R.O.)
1978 Co-Founded BMX Plus magazine
1978 Created Cruiser Class, getting NBA, ABA and NBL to recognize and expand racing to include larger bikes with classes for kids through adults.
He co-founded BMX Plus! magazine and was contributing editor to both Bicycle Motocross Action and Minicycle/BMX Action (not to be confused with Bicycle Motocross Action, which later condensed its name to BMX Action), which subsequently became Super BMX. Therefore, he had a large hand in all three major founding BMX magazine periodicals.
He convinced the NBA to have a cruiser class in 1978
He invented the JU-6, ST-1, Quadangle, Floval Flyer, OM Flyer, Mauler, Hauler, Basher, Trickmaster,..
Ohh and the Gooseneck stem..ohhh and the Tuff Neck stem
Held the long distance jump record for bicycles in 1979 at an average 76 feet. He accomplished it on a SE OM Flyer The record held for 10 years.
Hosted the first extreme sports TV show
Created GPV ( Gravity Powered Vehicles) racing
ABA hall of famer...
And for now that will do, but there's more.. A whole lot more. Enjoy