A few of mine ....
Early arrivals ...

The ride organiser , route planner , decal printer , buffett orderer, beer at home sorter , evening host ..... and head Gardener at the Bowling Green by all accounts



TA 24 Owners club

The spread !!

And if supplying us with a cracking spread wasn't enough ..... Carl made sure we didn't go thirsty when we got back to his house

The guy is a fookin diamond .

oh and if that wasn't enough he also turned his conservatory into a bike park !!!

Awesome day and night . Thanks RADsters and thanks a million Carl

Sorry but i didn't manage to get any pics of the girl in the Green with legs upto her armpits ..... think i was too busy picking my jaw up of the floor

and when i finally did pick it up i had mini J Lo's arse to contend with !!
Roll on RADLEIGH 15 !! ....... it's a must !