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Author Topic: Pink says.....  (Read 3731 times)

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Offline Gnarlyscoots

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Pink says.....
« on: June 01, 2015, 09:10 PM »

So what is the score? Where is everybody at these days  ???

Are you...

Spending more time with the family and friends?

Are you bored of BMX?

Are you wanting to build but cannot justify the cost anymore?

Are you spending more time actually riding instead of dusting them?

Or is it all of the above  ???

Do you find yourself wanting to build or own a BMX and don't want to be spending the asking prices of stuff these days sdo you just fiddle with what you have, wanting to swap out parts but don't want to sell what you have to buy other stuff in case you need those parts again and they will not become available?

This forum seems so quiet, nothing going on, small parts being sold but nothing special, no build threads etc etc. Most of the pages on FB are now just a few people on each one chatting, selling or other, and there are so many pages that you would spend a whole evening just flicking between them all and getting nothing done.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 09:13 PM by Gnarlyscoots™ »

Offline Retrodan72

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« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2015, 09:14 PM »
1 & 3 for me Terry.

Amber's 7 months old now, and I've just done a charity cycle ride raising nearly £5k and I'm in the process of commissioning a £5m cereal bar line at work, so time's at a premium for me currently.


Offline Jaymz

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2015, 09:20 PM »
Still riding. Currently finishing a built. Still all about that bmx. Although can't  see another biyld for a while after this one. I've slimmed to three bmx now so if i want another I'm going to have to choose which one gets the chop

Offline Howser

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2015, 09:26 PM »
I'm just finishing off an ammaco freestyler. The last 3 builds were really exciting to do as 2 were bikes I loved bitd and 1 was a rep of my rider - so not sure what I'm going to do next but will probably get some inspiration on Saturdays ride   :)

Offline That Swan Guy

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2015, 09:32 PM »
Small parts? :yahoo_silent:

I sold a complete GT Pro Series on FB in 49 minutes!
Try selling a complete on here. It's full of like minded people who need those individual parts to finish off builds.

I'm on my last build (for the time being) as I have a) 20 of the fookers b) no room.

My watch list on ebay reflects this too not just Rad.

The bikes are out there as the rides have never been bigger.............
Who wants to ride with Eddie Fiola?

Offline Spen69

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2015, 09:49 PM »
All of the above tbh Terry :-\

I spend every spare moment with my kids and now my 4yr old boy can pedal, most of those moments involve riding bikes or playing football :shocked:

I then spend every other Saturday night in a damp cold skatepark with the suspects trying to re-live my youth  :crazy2:

In between these activities I also have to fit in going to work all over the UK  :2funny:
Still limping......

Offline chubby

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2015, 10:01 PM »
Can't seem to find the bloody time Terry, got loads of stuff to be on with & only just managed to get 5 mins to myself now at 10 o pi $$ing clock at night  :wtf:
WANTED : 1" freestyle forks, uglier the better

Offline Andy68

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2015, 10:24 PM »
I keep building shit out of stuff costing me three shillings & sixpence. Love it!!  :LolLolLolLol:  As a BMX tramp on a tight budget, the fun for me is still finding stuff that slips under the radar.  ;) 

As for prices these days, there's a very reasonably price Torker on the Bay at the mo' for a mere 3k   :shocked:  :crazy2:

Offline Gnarlyscoots

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2015, 10:26 PM »
A good few points Guys  :daumenhoch:

I fully understand where you are Spen and Dan, with my daughters being 4 and 5 now and commanding a huge amount of time from me, along with doing daily 12 hour shifts at work. They are my main priorities tbh and working those hours to raise the money we need to live as I prefer my wife to be a home Mum  :daumenhoch:

I would like to get on some of the rides but they all seem to coincide with my working weekends  :yahoo_silent:  I do ride on my own or with my mate who I loan a bike to some evenings but, with him also being in my line of work, it's difficult.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 10:29 PM by Gnarlyscoots™ »

Offline Gnarlyscoots

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2015, 10:33 PM »
I sold a complete GT Pro Series on FB in 49 minutes!
Try selling a complete on here. It's full of like minded people who need those individual parts to finish off builds.
I see your point there Nick but, and no disrespect to your good self, it was a GT, and most GT parts are easy to come by and priced accordingly. I moved my 3 GT's with ease when I split them to build others, because I asked reasonable prices, as did you.

Even a lot of the Americans are doubling their asking prices these days making it harder to pick up a good deal  :yahoo_silent:

I just wondered why it was so damned quiet around here just lately  ???
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 10:35 PM by Gnarlyscoots™ »

Offline Blacky

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2015, 10:35 PM »
To much work to do at home and at work so just browsing now and then seeing if summit nice pops up
same old same old

Offline deeman

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2015, 11:40 PM »
It's annoying.....the forum is real quiet these days, I feel I am probably missing out on parts by not being on fb but I refuse to do it to myself  :-\

Offline CustardLips

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2015, 11:52 PM »
Spending less time with family  (seperated and moved out).  :(
Not bored of BMX (got a coupla projects on the boil).  ;)
Still building  (slowly as usual).  ::)
Less time riding (dislocated shoulder) and don't do dusting.  :daumenhoch:

« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 07:13 AM by CustardLips »
"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"



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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2015, 12:07 AM »
If you're 'bored of BMX ' then you're unlikely to be on here reading this thread  ::)

I'll be building a cruiser as soon as I can get hold of the f&f, but in the meantime will carry on logging in here as usual. Whether it's here or the FB page, it only takes a second to log in on the phone from the shitter at work or stuck waiting outside the changing rooms at M&S.

Offline Mikku

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2015, 07:03 AM »
Great track from a classic album!! :Great_Britain:

Definitely not bored of BMX and if anything, I've been spending more time on it (and on here) in recent years due to one thing - my iPhone, meaning I can get online wherever and whenever! :D I don't have kids so don't have that distraction but plenty of other things have demands on time and money, which means that the time I do spend I try to do on things I really enjoy, like looking for bargains online, checking out the latest builds and more recently, riding my Laserlite! :smitten: I've also got a couple of builds on the go but am in no great hurry to finish them. Overall, I still love the scene and being a member on here is part of that! :daumenhoch:
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Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

Offline Pooch

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2015, 07:54 AM »
Still love the bikes..
Still like the mates I've made through the scene.
Must also say I've never come across sooo many new people that are complete Siberian Beaver Pastrys and that has put me off a bit.
Don't think prices have changed my view, because I sell at the current market price..
I do think that Rad has to step up a few gears and get with it, it is my mother ship and its very sad to see it slow.
I do look at the hours I spent on here and feel that I've neglected my family at times..
Shit happens for a reason.

O and forget to say that it still amazes me how sneaky some fookers are👍
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 08:09 AM by Pooch »
Griff loves BUM..

Offline oldschoolace

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2015, 08:32 AM »
I don't know what the answer is and from all reports Facebook is hardly abuzz with oldschool but I do know the issues of family, work, injuries etc have always been there so in theory shouldn't be a reason for the slowness. With the good weather and MK round the corner, it should be buzzing on here  ???

I wonder if those of our generation who got back into bmx have done the builds they wanted and/or are put off doing others by the hoarding and pricing. I know there are only 4 or 5 builds left I would really like to do and I suspect that figure is less for a good few on here.

If you don't ride and don't have much build wise going on its easy to fade into the shaddows and find your main interests elsewhere I guess  :-\
Sixteen thirty-two. What is that? A year?   No, it's your top score on Pole Position.

Offline Julian347

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2015, 08:36 AM »
Always have and always will love BMX. I'm riding more than ever as my kids love to ride their bikes, so daddy has to go with them  :coolsmiley:
Can't see myself building anything new in the short term. I've been priced out on a lot of stuff and I'm losing my job and going freelance which means things will be tight for a bit. That will mean more time for riding between jobs though :)

Offline pickle

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2015, 08:47 AM »
always have and always will love BMX, it's not a hobby but a part of life.

I look at groups on FB and as someone said already, they're not exactly flying either.......although most of them i look at are full of quite a lot of shyte so never bother commenting as you're 'not allowed to be negative towards anyones POS'  ;D

This place always goes through ups and downs and will continue to do so, it's the way it is........people come and go then come back again, it'll never change.

Agree with Pooch though  ;D

If anyone feels this place needs picking up or livening up, then please speak to us and if you have any ideas to freshen the place up then please let us know........things shouldn't stand still.

The good weather is nearly here, there are many rides in the calendar so get out on a bike and have some therapy  :daumenhoch:

Offline 20to26

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2015, 09:00 AM »
Limited space for storing bikes and two teenagers (and associated expenses) with different interests means I don't get to keep everything I build - with a family it's hard to justify hoarding thousands of pounds worth of old BMX kit when I've got two project cars also, so stuff gets turned over. I enjoy the build part more than the 'collecting' so move stuff on once I've had my kicks so others can do their thing.

As for prices - they seem more reasonable now than a year or two ago IMO for the most part but the stuff Radsters are after is thin on the ground - then it gets pricey. I think that's probably one of the issues when it comes to new builds - there's a limited amount of mint & nos old school parts hitting the market which probably stifles the scene somewhat & guys get scared off.

But there are bargains to be had to keep the builds alive if you don't pay the outrageous scene tax on some of the OS stuff and go for the less fashionable brands or dare I say it, repops - you never win BOTM but at least you can enjoy the hobby.

Old School BMX lives.


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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2015, 09:17 AM »
If anyone thinks that the place needs livening up - try posting on the forum  :daumenhoch:

Things do mature and evolve, people come and go but the calendar is pretty full if you take a look  8)
Building is a small part of this for me - I love to get out on the bike but never often enough
I love to see the creations people put together & for the most part I love you lot

Can't wait to get out this weekend as this will be the start of another great summer of RAD get-togethers


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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2015, 09:21 AM »
PS Terry are you still coming out on Saturday?

Offline WINI

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2015, 09:48 AM »
A bit of all sorts for me.  Since I returned from Oz, I've a partial ready made family (of which I've recently added to) so time is a premium as Dan said.

I also haven't been able to ride due to a knee operation, swiftly followed by fooked up shoulder tendons, but as soon as I've been rebuilt, I'll be back on it.

Space constraints have changed my collecting/building outlook and I've gone down to 5 completes (from 12), but decided to collect the frame sets that I always wanted as a kid but couldn't afford. Need 2 or 3 more and I'm there. My completes are now limited to one show bike, one old school pub rider, one mid school track/jump bike and one new school ramp bike.

Still look on RAD before anywhere else, though time is an issue.  On a few FB groups, but tbh most are absolute BS full of attention seekers, wannabees and idiots.  Sadly when I need to move stuff on though, it's becoming more and more FB or eBay...

Still got a lot of good mates through this site too
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Offline Monk_Wally_Honk

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2015, 11:11 AM »
Just photo'd the 1st bike I've built (the dyno) to stick on ebay this week. I'd like to sell as a complete and make enough to buy an SE cruiser to go riding with my kids.

If it makes a small profit I could then justify another build to my wife (she doesn't get it at all) and would start looking for another frameset.

If it doesn't sell complete on ebay I'll probably split it and see what people here want/ebay the leftovers.

Don't do facebook so Rad is my only stop for old school business, sometimes browse the for sale sections of BMX Museum or search ebay.

Offline Gnarlyscoots

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Re: Pink says.....
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2015, 11:32 AM »
PS Terry are you still coming out on Saturday?
I am trying my hardest to get a shift swap so I can have the day off buddy. It is getting really hard at work, pressure, due to higher management bringing in two different pay structures. They are culling the higher paid staff at an unbelievable rate, for very minor things too, just to bring the overall hourly rate down. A lot of people are on edge and just asking for silly things, like shift changes, can bring the nastiness out in people  :yahoo_silent:

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