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Offline skki3330

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Ok guys n girls really didnt want to go here but please read this post, ive left some of the conversations out just to try and make it a bit shorter.

anodiser_chick, Jay Reich, Acorn Plating Ltd

Spoke to Jay through Facebook about getting a set of gold Maxi Cross cranks annodized blue, the main thing i wanted was the silver spider to stay silver otherwise i would not have had the work done, She told me

"I'm doing some at the moment actually. But it costs a bit more than standard anodising. Instead of filing it off leaving bare aluminium like they did originally, I use my custom anodising clear ink over the anodised surface so it remains anodised while still looking bare and that means it remains protected from corrosion instead of being eaten like bare aluminium"

So i thought cool sounds like she know whats she's doing lets get it done.

Got a price £45 plus postage and was told it takes about 4 days so i was expecting to have the crankset back in about 10 days although i did tell her i was not in that much of a hurry.

Posted out the crank on the 11th March 1st class recorded so should hae got them latest 13th March. Again made sure she knew i wanted the spider part left has it was silver, Even sent apicture of how i wanted it.

23rd March i messaged Jay and ask how my cranks were coming along. Jay's reply

"Trying to get them done asap Craig. Absolutely rammed at the mo. I'll do my best tomorrow for you"

30th March asked again, Jay's reply

"I'm trying.... The first attempt didn't go so well because the ink I was telling you about dripped over the side. It's on the go again now though"

My reply

"ok great thanks really looking forward to seeing them"

6th April Me

"lol im going to bother you again any chance of getting the crank this week?"


"Yes!! You can definitely have them this week!! I'm so sorry... I'll give you a £30 voucher if you won't be mad at me?"


"lolol im not mad at you honey you know us boys and our bmx's we just cant wait to get them built, and that is very generous of you as i might have another couple of bits for you Hey its good to be busy"

10th April Jay

"Hiya Craig,

I have some bad news. I started your cranks on Wednesday eve as promised to be out this week (remember I said it's a longer process) and I've come in this morning all excited to finish them and the anodising vat has blown. Apparently it blew last night. I'm on my motorbike today so I'm going to caine it the 60 miles needed to get the bart that's blown as no one can deliver today. If it makes it any easier on you, we work for Mclaren and even their stuff has to be held back now.  Please don't hate me"

10th April LATER THAT DAY Me

"No worries mate these things happen, did you manage to get it up and running again?"


"Unfortunately not Craig. I'm busy tomorrow having to sort out the old house so we get our deposit back then picking up a new motorbike i haven't even seen yet. But I'll go in on sunday and do them as the boss should have it fixed tomorrow."

13th April Me

"any news on the cranks Jay?"


"Not yet Craig, sorry. No excuses, I've just been too busy.   I'll try finish them tomorrow for you"

15th April Jay


I finished your cranks yesterday evening and was not happy at all. They are heavily corroded so I've stripped them. The other option is blasting them. It's what I did to that last set i told you about. It's the only thing that'll hopefully mask some of the corrosion spots as they come up through the anodising.  I can still probably have it back to you for Friday but I'm not sure how to get the anodising off the star section in that time frame so is it something you'd do? I just wouldn't have time and want to get them back to you."

Ok here is where i now get a little bit upset with the whole situation Jay has now had my cranks for over a month with nothing but excuses, she now tells me that they are badley corroded and it sounds like she has annodized the spider which was the mainthing i asked not to be done, also surely if they were that bad you would see the corrosion before carrying out any work??? SBD would have been in touch and give you the full breakdown.

There was a bit more of a conversation


"I'm just trying to mask the corrosion and achieve the right colour. All that black you saw in the photo's,  shows up through the anodising. It's not my fault but I am trying to help. These cranks are older than me, it can't be helped"


"I know just a little pissed of I'm not going to get the colour scheme I needed for this build the silver spider was the biggy. I'll try and do something with them."


"I understand that but I'm not to blame. I can try to do it but it's going to take even longer and I'm sure that's not what you want"


"If you can get the polished finish back that's what I want otherwise I'm going to have to look around for another set but they are soooo bloody rare could take month's even years"


"Have you got a photo of exactly what it's meant to look like?
All would have been well if it didn't have 30 years worth of corrosion"



"There's more chance of me being able to achieve something close to that given the tools and masking equipment i have to hand but it's going to take a long time. That needs meticulous masking and polishing by hand which takes man hours I can't free up all at one time. It's your choice what to do but no matter what anyone does, it won't look pristine because of all the corrosion"


"I can totally understand about the corrosion on the crank arms but the spider didn't need to be touched our first conversation was about making sure that was left as is, you assured me that could be done tbh if you had said you wasn't sure I would not have had it done. There is now way I will have the time to sort the spider out so I'll leave it with you as I want the crank back looking how I wanted"


"In order to strip the existing treatment, the whole crank needs to be stripped. And yes, I could have made the spider like we discussed with no issues because it wouldn't have needed bead blasting and could have just been polished, in fact making the spider even more shiny than it was when it arrived. No worries.
But it's riddled with corrosion. So your choices are, have a nice shiny spider like we discussed and the rest of the cranks looking like they've been under sea for 5 year's or let me try and help you by spending hours of meticulous polishing to help you achieve what you originally wanted had they not beeb eaten from the inside out. I can do exactly as I assured you i could. No problem, I just thought maybe you'd want it looking the best possible so offered to spend time on trying to fix it up and mask the impossible for free.

I did the job I was asked to do and assured you i could do. There's no question there and if you don't want me to try and make it better than so be it. I did tell you that it's probably going to be riddled as I'd just had the same one in and you could see all the corrosion before I'd even touched them when you'd said they weren't that bad. I'm trying to offer you free work, free time and free patience and I'm being told I didn't do what I said I would. Let me know what you'd like me to do with it so I cab try and get it finished and looking it's best or just sent back looking like it did but blue with a polished spider.

There's no need to take it out on me before understanding how the process of anodising actually work's and all I was doing was offering my help"


"I do appreciate all the time spent on this can we just get them to the colour scheme I was looking for and the best finish you can do. I know these cranks are old buts that's what your going to get when working with old bmx stuff just ask sbd"


"I appreciate that. But anodising is a completely different ball game to.painting or powder coating. That hides all the imperfections. Anodising does the opposite.
I'll start on them again tomorrow"

28th April


"Any updates Jay?"

29th April


"I'm slowly polishing them but I'm off next week so trying to get everything done and posted by monday"


"Ok thanks Jay so will it hopefully be out in the post monday?"


"Hopefully, I was off today because my stupid brain is being a twat and I had a few seizures but I'm gonna go in tomorrow."


"Ok mate, no worries health first"


"Not this time I'm afraid. Too much work. They're looking good so far though. If by some miracle I actually manage to stay at home tomorrow I will get my other half to bring them back here in the morning. Then I can keep polishing and finish them off"


"thank you thank you"

7th May


"guess my cranks didnt make thre monday post"


"I had to give them to the polisher so I'm waiting for them back. Plus I'm still not at work but my other half said he's not got them off the polisher yet"

Im sorry but by this time i just wanted my cranks back and forget about the whole thing


"Just send them back to me ill get someone else to get the job done"

Basically got loads of you know nothing about anodizing, you dont care about how ill i am and so on.

Anyway asked for them to be sent back to my place of work this was the 7th May

Friday 15th May


"Ive not recieved the cranks?"


"I'm not at work where the tracking number is"

Monday 18th


"tracking number?"

Tuesday 19th


"I would like the tracking number this morning"

Well im still waiting for either my cranks to arrive or a reply form Jay with another excuse.

At the moment ive kinda excepted that ive lost about £200. I dont think im being harsh or asking to much so im just putting this here so you can all make your own decision whether or not to send her you parts.

Ive never had any trouble with other people on here that offer their services and i now going to be a bit more particular about who gets their hands on my bmx parts that need restro.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 08:10 PM by skki3330 »

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 10:42 PM »
Thank you for the information Craig.

I think it is important for everyone to remember that things can and do go wrong and some of our parts are very rare and sometimes virtually impossible to replace.  Sometimes you have been waiting for something for years and if you get problems with it or it is damaged etc then it can ruin what you have been working on.

I would invite Jay to comment on this thread and give her side of things, of course we are not out to sully her name, but Craig does have a genuine problem with things and we need to ensure that these problems are ironed out for the future.

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2015, 12:15 AM »
I've done a few bits of resto for a few lads on here and it's something I always take on with a little trepidation.
Sometimes jobs are a doddle and others can end up like that little pea sized spot of rust on a car wing that you thought you would tidy up. Before you know it you have a hole the size of your fist.  :-\

I have huge respect for the likes of SBD, Jay, Del and anyone else who is brave enough to step into our world and offer their services knowing that every job can have potential pitfalls.

Sorry to hear you have had a bad experience Craig. It does sound like you have been given a bit of a run around but at least Jay was looking to rectify the problem.

hope it works out for you bud  :daumenhoch:
Sixteen thirty-two. What is that? A year?   No, it's your top score on Pole Position.


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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2015, 12:34 AM »
I've done a few bits of resto for a few lads on here and it's something I always take on with a little trepidation.
Sometimes jobs are a doddle and others can end up like that little pea sized spot of rust on a car wing that you thought you would tidy up. Before you know it you have a hole the size of your fist.  :-\

I have huge respect for the likes of SBD, Jay, Del and anyone else who is brave enough to step into our world and offer their services knowing that every job can have potential pitfalls.

Sorry to hear you have had a bad experience Craig. It does sound like you have been given a bit of a run around but at least Jay was looking to rectify the problem.

hope it works out for you bud  :daumenhoch:

This ^ I get nervous enough just messing with my own stuff!
Hope you get it all sorted Craig / Jay

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2015, 07:28 AM »
Oh dear... hope this gets resolved.  :-\
"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"


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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2015, 07:30 AM »
I don't know Jay ,
 But got to stick up for her a bit here, can't stick up for excuses though but I know a little bit about anodising and can appreciate when anodising a 30 year old part that is cr#p grade alloy. ( old school bike parts are not a nice grade)
It will only anodise as good as the surface and will show up tiniest of scratches, I had some side panels done for a motorbike and they were scratched, bare alloy but scratched and I had to spent hours on them to get rid of the scratches, I got down to 1500 paper and soap.
I even had to rub it down the same direction or it would have looked terrible anodised, even then it was touch and go whether they would look good and not show up imperfections that I could not see
CNC machined alloy comes out lovely  :daumenhoch:   when anodised, forged /cast alloy is a different matter.

 My anodiser done a set of Dura Ace cranks for me, he tests all the alloy before doing it, he commented on how cr#p the alloy grade was on bicycle parts and in the end I had to have them done in natural silver, if you take 2 pieces of alloy and they were made in different years or the grades are slightly different they come out 2 different shades and their is nothing you can do about it.
So I sympathize with some of the stuff that she has to work with, my first set of Dura Ace looked really good but had corrosion under the original anodise but you couldn't see this until it was stripped and these were NOS, once stripped the new anodise highlighted the pitting that was not visible.(probably started the oxidising process just before the original factory anodise back in 1980)
Sometimes you can't tell how good the item is until it's been stripped back and 30 years of a bike part that's been in a shed doesn't show up until it's been redone, you can only work with the best that you have and can't work miracles.
The wheel rims pictured above are a good example of this , some corrosion is too deep to polish out a can look worse than when you started.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 07:45 AM by snoopy72 »

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2015, 07:32 AM »
yeah we do sometimes forget these parts are 30 years old and not brand new.

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2015, 02:37 PM »
Jay has completed some peregrine rims and seat post clamps for me, all used but not corroded, which I thought she did a full on / top job for. She also did some nos, never out of the packet, silver tech 3's to blue which were inconsistent in colour. She also promised that the steel pivot pins wouldn't colour but they did (easily rectified though with a dab of silver paint). None of it is easy, especially when its a 'sideline' to your main work and comes second.
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Offline skki3330

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2015, 10:05 PM »
I here ya guys, i hope it gets sorted to.

I dont think ive asked to much or hassled Jay at all, i think ive been quite good about the whole thing.

I totally understand about how old and mashed some of our parts are but if you coming onto a old school bmx site offering your services you must know what your getting yourself into.

SBD has done all of my powder coating and the few times i have given him a frame/forks that have problems he has always spoken to me BEFORE going any further with the work and i must say every time he  has suggest which way to got the fix comes out spot on.

Sawsall has done a couple of badley buckled and flatted rims for me which i thought were toast he has come thru and sorted them.

2 things that strike me it seems Jay has alot going on with work, animals and home life also SBD, Del, Sawsall etc are all BMX people so they really really care about other peoples parts and understand that these are most of the time not easy parts to source etc.

I dunno what else i can say apart from it has taken me over a week of sleepless nights woundering whether to post this or not as i dont like to bad mouth people.

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2015, 11:10 PM »


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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2015, 11:54 PM »

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2015, 12:01 AM »
I pm' d skii.


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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2015, 01:28 AM »
I pm' d skii.

I know you told us    :-\


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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2015, 06:39 AM »
I haven't pm'd anyone.


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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2015, 11:40 AM »
Hey Craig,

i have a couple of sets of Maxy-Cross cranks if you want to give it another go  :daumenhoch:

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Offline skki3330

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2015, 08:02 PM »
   adenough got ya PM

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2015, 08:05 PM »
   adenough got ya PM
spotted it on eBay after I read this, not a bad price I thought ?

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Re: anodiser_chick Anodizing **PLEASE READ**
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2015, 08:09 PM »
Ok guys i got my cranks back today still no word from Jay though.
Im happy to say that they are usable they have been polished pretty well so at least you know Jay's polisher does a good job.
If i hadnt of had enough and prob waited a couple more weeks she prob would have annodized them.

Anyway it's up to the mods to decided if they want to take this post down.

Just to say even though they are back and usable the whole experiance has been a nightmare. safe to say i wont be send anything that way again.



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Glad you got them back mate..  just wondering where to get my bits done now... as I wouldn't want to risk sending my parts after reading this post.. I'm sure it's a one off but I don't want to find out if it's not..

Offline skki3330

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Ive heard a few good things about these guys Aminal uses them and if he uses them they must be good  :daumenhoch:

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Cheers dude will check them out...

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I'm disappointed to hear that you had a bad experience dealing with Jay. She polished and anodised a set of generic calipers/levers and did an amazing job. Hopefully you'll get them sorted ok in the end

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She has a set of rims of mine, as I speak, they were brand new when I sent them, her guy is shiny siding them for me.....

....she's had them a while.....

....but I've got confidence that they'll end up back at my place In the proper condition I want them.

Jay's had a few health issues over the last few weeks, so let's give her the benefit of the doubt with being a little behind. As for the quality if her work, let's try and remember the images of the stuff she used to promote her business, when she came to  :radbmxsmilie: It was nothing like any of us were used to, or wanted. So, she said at the time to give her a chance to appreciate the Old School look, and how to copy, then perfect it.

She's still learning I guess, and following what's happened with Craig's cranks, has realised that these 30 year old kid's bikes aren't as easy to create a finish on as stuff that's new, and carry no imperfections.

I'm happy to trust her again, my rims were polished to a very high standard, not done by Jay granted, but she made sure that we're done to a show standard, and they are.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 10:59 PM by Retrodan72 »


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i guess if you offer a service you should deliver
thats basically what has happened
lesson to all  :daumenhoch:

Offline snoopy72

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 The polishing turned out very nice  :daumenhoch:

 Thing is when anyone has your items , it's awful if you have to keep on chasing them, in the end it's like your bothering them when really they shouldn't put you in that position in the first place by not making the deadlines promised.

 like Jay was saying if they had a Vat malfunction then that could be weeks before getting up and running again being a disaster for the running of a company, jobs that are rabbit jobs would be right down the bottom of the priority list .

I had an alloy catch tank being made for a motorcycle by a company and I was told 2 weeks for completion , 3 months later I was getting excuses every time I phoned, in the end with the last excuse of him apparently being on the toilet I couldn't take anymore and said don't f##k me about and get him on the phone, I don't care if his pants are around his ankles! and you've got to pass the phone under the door :LolLolLolLol:
after being nice for 3 months I got angry >:D I had nothing to loose because I thought I was never going to see the part anyway.
Got the part perfectly made and delivered within 4 days  :daumenhoch: ( I haven't used them since.)

 Jay may have very good reasons for not making those deadlines on this particular part and it would be nice to hear from her so this whole thread can be rectified asap.

I have just been through the messages again , are we sure she is OK ? because she hasn't even been online since May 2nd, you never know someone else could have sent the cranks back to you because she has been unwell, maybe why you didn't hear from her when the cranks were returned ?
 Don't you think it a bit strange she hasn't come on here to defend herself ? because I would...
« Last Edit: May 24, 2015, 04:57 PM by snoopy72 »

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