My way back to bmx my 40th birthday pressie to myself 2011 se quadangle 24

After having a heart attack being home for 6 weeks with a load of money in my pay pal a trip to Sheffield to collect a 1990 pk ripper

Then it started my first proper old school bike bought from the. States a1986 gt pro performer bought in bits and built custom style as close to of colour as we could match at paint shop

Built this one for my daughter 1984 cw mini great little bike

1982 white hawk saved from the shed and restored for a great great friend of mine also my first prize winner a sawzall trophy at my first mk 2013

My 1985 falcon pro styler bought from a radster on here

My 1987 haro team sport one bike I do regret parting with it was awesome and my first haro

My second haro in its first form 88.5 sport bought a pair of wheels at my first mk and the build grew from there now you could say the addiction had taken hold completely

Bought this 2010 haro didn't like it sold it about two weeks later

My 1986 cw California freestyler it awesomely bright orange a very very bright bike

My 1987 air uni one very rare bird especially in this neon green most are survivors in chrome this one also won me some prizes at the southsea skatepark show

My 1984 s e racing quadangle the first of my let's call them Akg builds
Love this bike it's one of my favourites

This one is a sentimental build for me as this bike was a mate of mines at school and when we met up at a school reunion after much drinking and merriment we arranged a deal for the ole girl

A slung together version of my 88.5 sport with some bits I had lying around

My 1986 haro fst catalogue spec build including ultra rare non production bars

The last incarnation of my 88.5 sport used for my wife to do our first cleethorpes ride on

The second of my Akg builds a 1985 redline rl20II which won me bike of the month for October and freestyle bike of the year it's also my rider this bike is superb

Then I managed to come across this little beauty a completely original even down to the inner tubes 1984 fst in complete survivor mode awesome bike

This is a bike I made for my wife to replace to. Haro it's a 1985 torker 280 air custom painted by super bike Dan in a blue black metallic fleck another stunning piece of powder by our very own master
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