I think poor old Gail might be fighting a losing battle here.......
I've used 'em. Didn't feel that well looked after and didnt get everything i asked for, but they only took money for the stuff they sent (as indeed seems right).
Having owned a small BMX shop myself in the past I can see whats going on up there and she's gonna have to make some sweeping changes if she really wants to keep a good relationship with the likes of us old gits.
We vote with our feet tha knows

Thing is, how many members on here? she has a ready-made contained marketplace and most of us have a little money to spend. Not good business to do anything other than spoil us rotten, if she's truly concerned about it.
In the meantime the likes of Alans, Firm, Billys and Cyclone go about their daily business serving repeat client after repeat client......