Here's my 1983 GT Junior. I'm not crazy on the mini seats and wanted to do this like an expert build instead of a junior.
Parts list:
1983 GT Junior
83 Frame flat back
83 undrilled forks
81 Expert bars
Suntour cranks (Refurb)
NOS Sugino 40T chainwheel
NOS Sugino chainwheel bolts
NOS Sugino Crank caps
NOS Ukai rims
NOS Suzue hubs
Panracer tyres
Crupi Mini Pedals
NOS 83 Dia Compe tech 3 brake lever
NOS 83 Dia Compe rear brake
NOS Dia Compe rear brake cable
NOS Dia Compe cable clips
Original Hatta headset
Ame Unitron grips
Kashimax seat
NOS DK mini seat clamp
Tuf Neck polished stem
Yaban blue/silver chain
Shimano freewheel
Repop GT Padset