Sorry for asking but i am really not sure what a fair price would be for these items
I am selling to raise money so i can finish other projects (White and MRD)
It is an early Vector FS unlimited the first version with luggage rack style frame platform, and then wierd hoop over the fron tyre on the forks,
I bought this BITD and hardly used it so there is no cracks and no damage to any dropout etc.
it did have small amount of surface rust which is why i had it powder coated, the powder coating is good but not excellent ( i am very picky i guess) i would say 8/10 but it is definately ok to be a show bike,
It has repop stickers by del
The Bars are the correct bars to match with new powder coating (this is perfect powder coating) i bought these recently off ebay for £175
Also included would be a full repop padset (altho mod to top tube pad would be needed due to platform) and a TUFFNECK layback seatpost which has also been Powder coated to match.
I am looking to see what i should list this for on ebay/ or sell here, looking for a realistic price that i could sell it for as it needs to go soon but obviously i dont want to sell for less than it is really worth etc
sorry again for asking

i hope someone maybe able to give me a clue whats its worth etc
also if anyone is interested in buying it then let me knwo mayeb we can sort something out