Thanks for all the great comments fellas.
So the story behind it is this...
I got a bonus from work in march and had been planning this bike for years.
I emailed Jess at standard (INFO@STANDARDBYKE.COM)
As some of you know I have several 2006 Haro Sports and I love them, It has a platform that I use and the geometry is just right for me and its nice and stable for flatland while being nice to ride on park/vert/whatever.
Ive taken a fair bit of abuse on this site from people who dislike these frames who seem to think i should ride a frame that doesn't suit me or ride as well.
I decided to get a custom frame built with the same dimensions as the haro and approached a couple of builders, Standard were always the first choice and were able to do what i was after.
I asked for a 250l frame with a double top tube as I've never seen standard do one before, a 20.5 tt and a 14.25 cs, a 74.5 ht angle and ss brake mounts.
I also wanted a set of 4 piece strip bars the same angle as my colony bars but a bit wider at 29".
It was all to be chrome.
I was given a quote and paid the money, it wasn't cheap but the exchange rate helps. Jess is very helpful and has marked the parcel as a gift so instead of paying loads of import duty, i only got stung for 28 quid vat.
I was told the wait would be between 14-20 weeks! I then spent a coupe of months sourcing all the bits i need for it, i decided everything i could would be shiney/silver/chrome.
The frame shipped on the 20th week but customs held onto it for a week and i ended up going to the parcel farce depot to pick it up as they'd ballsed up the delivery date.
As some of you know, Ive had a rough few years and things got worse in may, so I haven't wanted to ride since, hopefully this will get me back out and back on!
Standard put some pics up on their page on the book of face and it got loads of likes and shares, it seems to have gone down well. Ive put it on my page when i built it and was surprised how many likes and comments it got too!
Got it home and had a look, the build quality is brilliant as you'd expect. The chrome has some imperfections and yellowing but thats outsourced and out of standards hands.
Built it up yesterday and you can see the difference between this and normal frames, the headset and bb bearings are actually a tight fit unlike my other mass produced frames.
I went a bit ocd on this even aligning the vocal logo on the headset washers. this will be my last new school bike and I wanted it to be perfect.
It weighs in at 28lbs, feels very light to me. The frame weighs something like 4 lbs! Ive had heavier poos!
A big thank you needs to go to Sam Baskett at baskett pegs for making me the custom pegs which are very light, James at Zeal for sorting me the forks and Lee at the bike box in Sunderland for the brilliant as usual wheel build.
I did find one problem which really surprised me, the brake mounts weren't angled to give straight run to the brake and the cable was rubbing badly on the adjuster/mount.

I had a couple of ideas to sort it and the best was to get a 17yr old mod that had been on all of my 4 old standard lengthys. It was a modded tnt 2 piece seat clamp, I had to strip the red an off and polish it a bit but now its sweet.
I sent the pics to Jess so any more frames will not have this problem.

So there you are, if you want to ask me anything about it feel free otherwise email standard and get your perfect bike made!