Another quality night with the suspects

Great to see Len, especially in his new-look chinos / cargo pants. Him and Jol arguing about the fast plant or not was funny

Jol as ever put the ooooooo in smoooooooth

Bill rattled 360's like it was 1983

Jim's airs on the big quarter got a tad more polished and he got a few tables in them. Then he started smashing into stuff and nearly killed Gra who was already on deaths door but still showed the Yorkshire pensioner's trick team can move

Ed rode every bit of the park and was givong masterclasses to the skateboarding yoot and of course taking the pish constantly

Gary had a slow start but made up for it with some great tyre taps and disasters

I was tired and rode oldschool for a bit before coming to my senses and hetting my newschool bike out

Awesome night was had by all*
* oh and Sibs was there but he hardly rode and was rubbish as usual....