***RUBBISH @ MK***Guys, with MK14 fast approaching, the Admin/Mod Team would like to remind you that throughout the weekend, there will be a huge skip situated at the bottom of the Arena, by the toilets - PLEASE USE IT.
For those attending the lake ride, you'll have to pass the skip on your way out, so can we try to throw some of Saturday's rubbish in the skip on the way?
there will also be black bin bags attached to posts on the fences around the track/helipad area, again - PLEASE USE. if they get full, please alert one of the Team, and we'll replace it.
The main focus is that you guys have a fantastic weekend, and that we ensure that everything runs smoothly, we cannot run everything as it should, if we're running around clearing up after everyone.
For the MK Veterans'/Regular's amongst you, you will appreciate how important this thread is, for MK virgins, we cannot have a repeat of 2 years ago, when the site was left in a disgusting state, and people (some not Mods/Admins) were there 3 hours after everyone had gone home clearing up - this can't happen again.
MK BMX Club, kindly let us use the track for the weekend, so we need to give it back to them as we received it.
Please help us out with this guys, and enjoy your weekend.
Thanks for your cooperation and support.