Hey bud. Most of us old schoolers are going to be 40+. You'll find that growing up in the 70s and 80s will mean that you have more in common with folk on here than just BMX, as you read through the site lots of memories are likely to be triggered.
There are a few ex-sponsored riders on here, some semi pro but mostly its street riders with tales of their neighbourhoods and school bike sheds.
Typically folk start back into the hobby with a desire to either rebuild their first BMX, their favourite BMX or the shiny one in the neighbourhood or magazine that they couldn't afford back in the day (BITD - get used to the acronyms!)

There are lots of rides, mainly up North (check your jabs) but there are others that you're welcome to join - check out
http://www.radbmx.co.uk/forum/index.php/board,12.0.html for members events
http://www.radbmx.co.uk/forum/index.php/board,34.0.html for official events including the biggest one of all at Milton Keynes 16 & 17 August.
So tell us a little something about yourself, what you rode BITD, what you plan to build first, trust me it will be the first of many

and where in the country you are etc. I'm sure folk local to you will contribute soon
