Built this last year but it's never been seen on RAD.
Well with todays weather i thought a few pics were the order of the day.
The bike itself had the drop outs on the frame and forks cut out to take a 14mm spindle when i bought it, they weren't neat cuts neither.
I had the bike de-chromed as it was not too good and took it round to Phils for drop out repairs, job done basically as we all know how good Phil is with metal.

Early Profile champ pro frameset.
Original rechromed Profile Gen 3 cranks.
Original brown bearing Hutch beartraps.
Early un-knurled US made Patterson Pro bars.
PPP powerdisc.
NOS Sugino machined 44T chain ring with Sugino bolts.
Donut seat clamp
Tuf neck stem with headset spacer.
Izumi chain.
NOS Bubble font A'me dual grips.
Dia Compe MX1000 with Dia Compe Tech 3 lever and 1983 stamped Dia Compe cable.
Kashimax Aero saddle with original KSM Alun key guts.
Ukai speedlines 1.75.
NOS Sunshine Gyromaster sealed hubs.
NOS 1.75 Panarcer tyres.
NOS Suntour chrome 16T freewheel.
Pads by Mr Legend himself.
Haro Flo panel.
NOS Dia Compe tan blocks.
NOS Tioga bertrap headset.
Maybe not a build for you freetyle fans but this is one pure race machine.

Hope you like it.
