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RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Technical & Reference Section  |  Tech and Restoration  |  Some GT help please

Author Topic: Some GT help please  (Read 747 times)

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Some GT help please
« on: August 21, 2006, 06:25 PM »
After looking at all the GT's in the 87 catalouges, I have noticed that they all have a tab for a brake adjuster welded to the frame before the cable goes down the hole.
I have not seen any on any of the 87's in the museums though, did it get dropped before the frame went in to mass production or something???
Or were the ones without the tab sold with rotors?  I want to get rid of the rotor on my 87 and swap it with a gyro, i cant see it making that much difference that the tab aint there but I would rather keep it factory spec if ones with tabs were for gyros and ones without were for rotors.

Any ideas?

PS. GTBMX, if you are reading this my bike aint for sale and neither is the rotor if i get a gyro ;)

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