Got this dominator, and its fit for nowt but the bin, as the end has been chewed off by a dog.
Ive sanded it and filled it with a flexible epoxy.
got a bit of vinyl, cut from the back of a setee at the tip.
contact adhesive on both surfaces and allow to become tacky.
wrap it around, and leave enough to pull on...oooer
youll need to do a bit of fiddling here. more glue on the inside, and fold the excess over. it stick pretty instantly, so be careful. around the nose, and the read, there will be to much material, which will wrinkle, so cut out triangles with a scalpel as and when they form. this will leave space for folding right over. trim the edges with the scalpel.
Ive chosen to put the original holes in, not sure if thats a good idea. i used a scalpel to make the slices in the hole, then forced it down with a punch.
its not perfect, but its genuinely my first go, and the seat was bin fodder otherwise.
im going to paint it with vinyl paint, and attempt the dominater letteing in gold. but thats for another day.