Hi all ,signed up to the site last summer and thought it was about time I got some pics uploaded of my own build ,seen so many good bikes on here which are giving me inspiration and unfortunately a severe addiction for old school bmx

So here's a few pics of frame no 85097910. I found the frame on ebay last year after deciding I wanted to build up a bike with my 12 year old son ,frame came powder coated already but I will get it done again to match the forks and bars. Forks were found in America although the seller unfortunately did not say the threads were damaged

still a wee bit of fettling up they came up not bad ,anyhoo am rambling on here here's some pics to look at .[attachment=1http://i1331.photobucket.com/albums/w588/stevw1972/Haro%20Bike%20Build/994EE7EA-A0B8-4F15-88F7-496F188FB9F2_zpsvj2gwtxv.jpg[attachment=2http://i1331.photobucket.com/albums/w588/stevw1972/Haro%20Bike%20Build/58D08A2F-D209-4F44-A8E9-CA2D140A3E42_zpsez2knnx2.jpg