This is coming along nicely now, with the extra time I've had to work on it over xmas.
Everything was pretty much seized solid when I got this bike. The Tuff wheels would barely turn, headset was crunchy and BB was the same. You couldn't pull the brakes at all and removing that god awfull braced lay back post was a total ball ache.
The frame and forks were generally ok, nice and straight with no dents etc, but with quite a lot of surface rust, dirt and the usual pitting on chain stays and fork legs. I'd like to have left the original decals in place really, but they were a bit too far gone for my liking, very faded and skagged with bits missing so reluctantly removed them along with some other old stickers.
As well as that, the previous owner had hand painted the Sugino stem, the DC mx1000 brakes and Shimano PD mx15 pedals with some nasty black shit.
The tyres were some cheap late 90's freestyle/street efforts, so they're gone, along with similar grips, seat clamp, CW copy bars and the aforementioned seat post.
I tried to clean and re-dye the Kashi, but it had to much grease and grime impregnated into it. It came out a really nice red colour, but still looked quite grubby, so I decided to just dye it black and add some new decals.
Anyway this where I've got to so far.
From this:
Stripped and cleaned:
After an oxalic bath, a polish, fresh OE decals, refitted original Tange headset:
Started re-building and offering up parts in the sun today
Still a way to go though. I'm currently stripping the paint of the brakes and pedals, which are faded red anno underneath, so will be gettting a couple of coats of VHT red anno paint to bring them back to life. I'd like to swap the now back to blue Sugino stem for something similar in red, rather than paint it. So if you have anything, please get in touch
Also went with 44t SR ring and spider rather than the originally mounted 42t Tuffneck, so that may be up for grabs soon. Crank and BB are Sugino 180 that came with the bike.
Bars are NOS Curtis pro, I picked up a couple of sets locally just before Xmas. Perfect timing or what
Thanks for the heads up dannyrobo