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Author Topic: Holeshot RF 1 Frameset- the rarest of all ? Info please or what's rarer?  (Read 9606 times)

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Offline factory pilot

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I've recently been reading through my old 'Action Bike' mags and found adverts and an article about the RF 1....the bike Andy was building for his brother....

I've been pretty curious about this and would love to do another Neil Replica but I've only found out that this bike makes rockin' horse doo seem positively easy to find in comparision... :'(

I found a few bits of info on a very old rad thread...'topic=134066.0

...this one on the Vincent Frames website...

....I've also seen this lovely survivor which was unidentified on the museum...

Anyone seen anymore or got one lurking?.....Anyone know anything about them, numbers made etc ?

I also saw this ancient Rad thread which got me thinking......'topic=22845.0

What's turned up or changed since 2006... are the same frames still the rarest or hardest to find?

The article mentions VDCs , Vincent's, and Craig Campbell Pro-Lites...

I've seen a few CCs in the last three years for eg...

So what is considered the rarest of the rare in 2014 ? 

All info and opinions please fellas  :daumenhoch:
What do you think is the rarest?
cheers Ant
"Knowledge is the acceptance of ones own ignorance." Socrates 399BC

Offline fischflo

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some info on the holeshot here!
->,164354.0.html :daumenhoch:

there was one for sale not long ago, didn't fetch as much as i expected, where's the link..... :chin:
DAT WUZ the link :crazy2:
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 08:59 PM by fischflo »

Offline factory pilot

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Can't believe I missed this?.....It's the one that was on the Vincent website..... not a great build that >:( :crazy2:
Rare doesn't have to mean expensive as has been discussed here on Rad many times...the RF 1 must surely have a very limited UK fanbase...I'd want a NOS one for that price! ;)

Cheers for the link bud :smitten:
"Knowledge is the acceptance of ones own ignorance." Socrates 399BC

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What is the rarest?
in the mood for some 2005 blue site?



Offline fischflo

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this will always appear in the high octane dept i guess  ;)
1984/5  GJS Freestyler,150644.msg1480975.html#msg1480975

Offline bodamus

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CW Luggage Rack Freestyler very few of those about but theres a really nice one on right now, some lucky fella owns that ;)

Offline fischflo

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Cheers Ian, good luck with that :daumenhoch: ....beaut!

ediiiiit: .....I must correct myself, that is the absolute most stunning specimen of this freaky piece of fs !  :4_17_5: .........fell in love with it at first sight :smitten:
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 12:24 PM by fischflo »

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It's looking like most things that were rare in 2006 continue to be the rarest to this one's found a stash of GHP Trix then hiding in a barn ::)

I Loved Kappy's GJS at MK :smitten:

Not so keen on the old luggage rack though ;) :D
"Knowledge is the acceptance of ones own ignorance." Socrates 399BC

Offline AKGOFF

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GHP Trix are about as rare as it gets. I had a mint red one with 1st gen forks. I never got round to building before someone offered me insane money for it. I sold it last summer and I'm now regretting it, gotta find another one.

Speaking of rare, there's also a crazy rare set of Powerlite Freestyle Log bars and my spare set of 1st Gen SST hubs in that pic. All went to the same guy.  :'(

In return I got the elusive JMC Andy Patterson bars, JMC Ling Layback post, NOS Titron pedals and a Fookin shit load of cash.

Offline fischflo

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aaaaah... that hurts to hear :teef: ....just find another ;D :daumenhoch: ...but sounds like lotsa dough you got laying there

It's looking like most things that were rare in 2006 continue to be the rarest to this one's found a stash of GHP Trix then hiding in a barn ::)

I Loved Kappy's GJS at MK :smitten:

Not so keen on the old luggage rack though ;) :D

...yeah, i know what you mean - yet those extravagant ones are always well represented in these sort of lists or threads ......... Just think of that Vector Meteor-Lite-like FS or that odd looking Free Agent -- always mentioned

I'd like to hear some pos rarities mentioned
I think the Freeway Freestyler would fit this category --- if Peanut hadn't asked for one (he's on a hunt for 1 atm :smiley6600:), i probably couldn't have come up with any one ......  ???

Words of Phil Oberon:
freeway freestyler.

good for looking at only.
...yet some are looking for these rarities, too ;)

Offline chubby

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As far as I know only 3holeshots are known & 2 of them might be the same bike ???
Don't think the one on ebay sold so fook knows where it is, though I do know the seller received offers near the askin price so perhaps it's been spirited away into someone's private collection
WANTED : 1" freestyle forks, uglier the better

Offline fischflo

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ah ya, you're right, i misread :crazy2: .....strange that that wouldn't get that price after all the buzz that frame received over the years.

Wonder if it had gotten more on here... ???

Can't believe Ian is parting with his CW...... AND that he NEVER EVER posted it on here! "bump" I was always tempted to post some pics of it (he was so nice to send me some), but i thought he would do that himself one day.
but i bet you know what you're doing, Ian .....Ian ....IAN !!! >:( ;D

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GHP Trix are about as rare as it gets. I had a mint red one with 1st gen forks. I never got round to building before someone offered me insane money for it. I sold it last summer and I'm now regretting it, gotta find another one.

Speaking of rare, there's also a crazy rare set of Powerlite Freestyle Log bars and my spare set of 1st Gen SST hubs in that pic. All went to the same guy.  :'(

In return I got the elusive JMC Andy Patterson bars, JMC Ling Layback post, NOS Titron pedals and a Fookin shit load of cash.

Now that is a lovely piece of bmx history.....truely gorgeous  :smitten:

As has probably been mentioned before due to the relative oddness of the RF 1 frame I'm sure many of these were sent to the skip as uknown POS's  :'(

On the subject of's some more madness......

and bloody hell just found this......
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Offline Picklez

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I know a few know of it but here's my equally early trix (og chrome & pre-production forks):

and some more log bars, though not as rare as Adam's:

and some rf1 shots:

Adam, would love to hear what you netted for yours, not that I'm looking to out mine, just interested to know for future reference.
**** WANTED: Early black Comp ST's, Mint Black Shotgun 2 or OG Suede Kashi Aero, Titrons, Black-White/White-Black RadKaps. Thank You ****

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had the chance of one of these around 2006 for £60ish, never bit  :'(
zeronine freestyler

robbo fs

n revcore fs

and my personal fave

choice of forks (can't see in pics but both have double drop outs and a choice of alloy or chromo)

proto fs hawk forks

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SRP. Made some lovely titanium frames.

Offline Wayne Ryder

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Anyone ever see an Ozone Method Air on these shores?

Offline chubby

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Anyone ever see an Ozone Method Air on these shores?
Someone's got one, can't remember who though ???
WANTED : 1" freestyle forks, uglier the better

Offline chubby

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Forgot about this that I found while, snuffling about.
Holeshot Rf1 mark 2 !!!

Is it me or is it a bit streetbeatish ???
WANTED : 1" freestyle forks, uglier the better

Offline gary4130

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nice would love to have either   holeshot frames  :smitten:
has any got a pic of a mk2  built up ?
this is one frame i wish they would make a repo of  8)

Offline factory pilot

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nice would love to have either   holeshot frames  :smitten:
has any got a pic of a mk2  built up ?
this is one frame i wish they would make a repo of  8)

Are you listening Mr Ruffell ? I think in cases like this a repo (limited run ofcourse) is a great idea... it's not like anyone's going to be upset if they've got an original one now is it! :LolLolLolLol: :D
"Knowledge is the acceptance of ones own ignorance." Socrates 399BC

Offline chubby

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Feel free to do a mk2, not a mk1 though  :slayer:  :whistle:
WANTED : 1" freestyle forks, uglier the better

Offline gary4130

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nice would love to have either   holeshot frames  :smitten:
has any got a pic of a mk2  built up ?
this is one frame i wish they would make a repo of  8)

Are you listening Mr Ruffell ? I think in cases like this a repo (limited run ofcourse) is a great idea... it's not like anyone's going to be upset if they've got an original one now is it! :LolLolLolLol: :D
has to be at the '80's price though  :LolLolLolLol:

Offline wizardweb

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MDP Freestyler. Apparently looks like a VDC Freestyler (made by the same people) between 5 and 10 made. Carlo Griggs had one. Only ever seen one pic. Mike D himself never kept one.

RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Old School BMX 1980 - 1988  |  Old School Freestyle (frame stands and kickturns galore!)  |  Holeshot RF 1 Frameset- the rarest of all ? Info please or what's rarer?

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