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Author Topic: RADCHESTER14 August 24th ! Be there or miss out on the original best rad ride  (Read 20575 times)

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Offline Badbaldie

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Should be fancy dress this.

Might go as a suicide bummer, seeing as its pride weekend.

Good idea . What about dressing up Mrs Brown's Boys or Hilder Ogdan .

Offline crazycraig

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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Old School BMX only
Cash is King
Your not famous because you have a BMX so dont expect me to lick your arse for bits !!! I will leave that to the sheep
Jim'll fix it did loads for charity

Offline Dark Diggler

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Whats the matter Kid, don't ya like clowns? Don't we make you laugh? Aint we fukkin funny?

Offline insectbones

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520 mile round trip  :shocked:

Fook it, i'm in  :crazy2:

Any hotels near to the ride?

Offline Retrodan72

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520 mile round trip  :shocked:

Fook it, i'm in  :crazy2:

Any hotels near to the ride?

There's 3 Premier Inn's, Printworks, Deansgate and Portland St, I've stayed at The Printworks the last 2 years. :daumenhoch:


Offline insectbones

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520 mile round trip  :shocked:

Fook it, i'm in  :crazy2:

Any hotels near to the ride?

There's 3 Premier Inn's, Printworks, Deansgate and Portland St, I've stayed at The Printworks the last 2 years. :daumenhoch:

Nice one Dan, i'll look into those  :daumenhoch:

Offline crazycraig

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You won't be disappointed Mr Bones
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Your not famous because you have a BMX so dont expect me to lick your arse for bits !!! I will leave that to the sheep
Jim'll fix it did loads for charity

Offline CustardLips

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520 mile round trip  :shocked:

Fook it, i'm in  :crazy2:

Any hotels near to the ride?
Get the train Lee. I wouldn't fancy a 260 mile drive the day after the night before.   :crazy2: Plenty of hotels knocking about but might be favourite diving in the same gaff as Dan and whoever else is staying over.  :daumenhoch: Don't want none of you southern shandy drinkers get lost in Gunchester.  :LolLolLolLol:
"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"


Offline Spen69

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520 mile round trip  :shocked:

Fook it, i'm in  :crazy2:

That's the spirit Lee, our southern brothers are welcome :coolsmiley:

Well we need someone to compete with Craig for suntans and also someone has to chat up the trannies on canal street. .. you southern lads are a bit gay we've been told after all...... :2funny:

Gonna ba ace. MK then Radchester.  August is the month of hangovers :uglystupid2:
Still limping......

Offline insectbones

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Just had a look at train prices, probs cheaper than driving, and a lot less hassle, so train it is  :daumenhoch:

What station do i need?

I'll have you northern monkeys know i can drink at least 3 pints before i fall off me bike  ;D

Offline crazycraig

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We all meet at Victoria station but you might wanna get there a bit early coz when we leave there were on it !!!!!

The other stations are Piccadilly or deans gate . Get off close to your hotel
Old School BMX only
Cash is King
Your not famous because you have a BMX so dont expect me to lick your arse for bits !!! I will leave that to the sheep
Jim'll fix it did loads for charity

Offline NORTY40

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I'll have you northern monkeys know i can drink at least 3 pints before i fall off me bike  ;D

Carl has that on his Weetabix's in a morning !!  :D

Good on you for making the trip  :daumenhoch:
WANTED : Old school BMX patches/sew on badges ......  please  :)

Offline Bigfrawg

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I'm in

Offline oberonspacefruit

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Me to. as long as i get some tuffs for my kuwi build in time.
I want to touch ORB

Offline crazycraig

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Your only in if you throw yourself off on the deansgate dash usual
Old School BMX only
Cash is King
Your not famous because you have a BMX so dont expect me to lick your arse for bits !!! I will leave that to the sheep
Jim'll fix it did loads for charity

Offline Pooch

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  • funny you should say that..
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I'm in.. Plenty of time to book my digs :4_17_5:
Griff loves BUM..

Offline Retrodan72

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I'm in.. Plenty of time to book my digs :4_17_5:

Nice one Lover, it's gonna be a right laugh this one. :daumenhoch:


Offline Pooch

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  • funny you should say that..
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I'm in.. Plenty of time to book my digs :4_17_5:

Nice one Lover, it's gonna be a right laugh this one. :daumenhoch:
Griff loves BUM..


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I'm in.. Plenty of time to book my digs :4_17_5:
nice one mate  :4_17_5:

Offline oberonspacefruit

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Your only in if you throw yourself off on the deansgate dash usual

its to expensive in dx endcaps. youll have to make do with an over the bars endo on the grass in castlefield. :D
I want to touch ORB

Offline Jono

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guy from gooutdoors comes in my bar they thinking of doing an old school bike day at there store on ancoats maybe put up some ramps etc is it something we could do on the day for an hour or so some of you old freestylers do a bit if so i can pass on his number

Offline Spen69

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Jono that would be a cracking idea mate, but just a couple of minor issues I can see:

1 - it would have to be the first stop as ramps and booze only end in disaster
2 - Joff will be there so it will only end in disaster
3 - most of these show ponies have some vital part drop off at some point during the ride so it will end in disaster
4 - Joff will be there so it will end in.........
5 - oh, Joff will be there so.......
6 - you get the picture that Joff's a danger to us all when there's ramps around?

Aside from that, bring it on mate :shocked: :2funny:
Still limping......

Offline crazycraig

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We could do with a bit more info before we bolt it on to the day
Old School BMX only
Cash is King
Your not famous because you have a BMX so dont expect me to lick your arse for bits !!! I will leave that to the sheep
Jim'll fix it did loads for charity

Offline Jono

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Jono that would be a cracking idea mate, but just a couple of minor issues I can see:

1 - it would have to be the first stop as ramps and booze only end in disaster
2 - Joff will be there so it will only end in disaster
3 - most of these show ponies have some vital part drop off at some point during the ride so it will end in disaster
4 - Joff will be there so it will end in.........
5 - oh, Joff will be there so.......
6 - you get the picture that Joff's a danger to us all when there's ramps around?

Aside from that, bring it on mate :shocked: :2funny:


Offline Retrodan72

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Fook that Jono, I'll be too busy mixing with the trannies and bottom enthusiasts on Canal Street to want to piss about with ramps in a tent shop.  ::)



RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Events  |  Events  |  RADCHESTER14 August 24th ! Be there or miss out on the original best rad ride

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