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Is that it?Old-school bmx has become all about "Market prices"?and whether or not the "collectors" will be angry because their fooking aerospeeds have gone down in value?What a complete fook up,"bmx" and "market value"in the same fooking sentence,Freestyling antique collectors This is a dying hobby.you greedy fooking magpies have killed it dead, Prices, Prices,Prices.It's fookING boring!!! 10 fooking years at the beginning of what BMX is today, and you sad sentimental old Siberian Beaver Pastrys have been humping away at the same tired old dog, What is the future?who will follow?fooking no one.the mid and new schoolers think you're all doe eyed weirdo's fixated on the past, your precious PRICES have PRICED everyone out of the hobby.This forum is dead to what it used to be,All the BMX'ers have gone and all thats left are the Stamp collectors. Investing and counting their pennies,What a fook up.I was banned when I walked in here tonight,I'm twice as banned now.
That may well be the case Steve but what does it matter what other people are doing...??!!!Lots of things change, dynamics shift, we're dying & so is the Sun.
Quote from: Devilock on December 14, 2013, 09:54 PMThat may well be the case Steve but what does it matter what other people are doing...??!!!Lots of things change, dynamics shift, we're dying & so is the Sun.I don't care what other people are doing Rich, what's your point?
Is that it?Old-school bmx has become all about "Market prices"?and whether or not the "collectors" will be angry because their fooking aerospeeds have gone down in value?What a complete fook up,"bmx" and "market value"in the same fooking sentence,Freestyling antique collectors This is a dying hobby.you greedy fooking magpies have killed it dead, Prices, Prices,Prices.It's fookING boring!!! 10 fooking years at the beginning of what BMX is today, and you sad sentimental old Siberian Beaver Pastrys have been humping away at the same tired old dog, What is the future?who will follow?fooking no one.the mid and new schoolers think you're all doe eyed weirdo's fixated on the past, your precious PRICES have PRICED everyone out of the hobby.This forum is dead to what it used to be,All the BMX'ers have gone and all thats left are the Stamp collectors. Investing and counting their pennies,What a fook up.
For me this hobby is all about getting those bikes and parts that I could only dream about as a kid....I love these things regardless of their current market price or value and I think most people on RAD hopefully feel the same way
Well this thread is gay
nice to see funkyworm thinks flipping stuff from here onto the bay is out of order finally
Quote from: Jono on December 15, 2013, 05:07 PMnice to see funkyworm thinks flipping stuff from here onto the bay is out of order finallyAh bless, Jono i'd almost take you serious if (A) You had any kind of taste...... (B) Class , (which is where we really differ) so theres no point trying to explain. (c) If your builds were built with cash that you'd already paid your tax's on...??.........Mate It's alright to play with cash over the net but please,don't mug yourself off .... Just saying like... fooking idiot...
It doesn't seem like five minutes ago skyway padsets were ten a penny and streetbeats and firebird freeystyle were going for fifty quid. Sell what you get and once they're all gone the price of stuff won't change much
If your concerned with selling to high or to the wrong person just sell it all to biaggio he will set the bar were it needs to be