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my word, that's a lot of cashdo they have a US version of MK?
I thought we spent the funds on stock out of Shiners, bought M3's and with the change a transporter for Bill.......then had the beers We do run a tight ship, income from tags is about £2.5k per year, slightly more, depending on who pays what.......MK tents alone are £1.5k, toilets £400, skip £250, St Johns a couple of hundred.........A couple of years ago we had no funds in the pot, however I now have enough dosh to put on another MK even if we don't have any site contributions this year
All going off on the museum as a few are not happy being asked for donations when the site owner is taking a cut of the income Long live rad eh
Do you know what I look at that site and see the profit they are turning each year and I absolutely cringe at some of the members on THIS site that have a go at the admin and mods over site subscription fees etc etc.Nobody and I repeat nobody has ever had a payout from radbmx, mods and admin work our fooking asses off for no reward and barely any thanks. We put on a massive free show every year and even supplied free drink to everybody this year and still we had people moaning about where the money from site subscription goes each year.
Quote from: stidds on December 11, 2013, 10:36 PMDo you know what I look at that site and see the profit they are turning each year and I absolutely cringe at some of the members on THIS site that have a go at the admin and mods over site subscription fees etc etc.Nobody and I repeat nobody has ever had a payout from radbmx, mods and admin work our fooking asses off for no reward and barely any thanks. We put on a massive free show every year and even supplied free drink to everybody this year and still we had people moaning about where the money from site subscription goes each year.My exact reason for staring this thread Sean
It only takes one banger up on bricks to spoil the most picturesque of streets Sean. Its a sad truth of humanity that negativity carries more weight than positivity.
Do you guys want to know one of the biggest things to have pissed me off this year and it has made me question whether I want to carry on as admin.At MK this year I was speaking to somebody on the Saturday night when we opened the Dog and Duck, I said to this person to "go and get a beer they are free", he didn't believe me at first so I say "honest, the site has supplied the drink this year it is 100% free no strings". Instead of saying thanks etc and getting a beer, he turned around to me and said "Well if you can afford to do that you guys are obviously making too much money from site subscriptions".Since that time I have been on a real downer with all things BMX and all I see are people sniping at either the site or the guys that put a shit load of time into running it.