Hi all, (maybe should be in the lounge section...sorry)
any advice of what to get next...
ive had a cube fritzz full sus...cube ltd team hardtail (just sold)...2012 wtp envy bmx...4- 85 haro freestylers...and various others along the way, im now after something else, dont like fixies or road/racing bikes either..i thought i'd get a jump bike for something to mess about on, won a dmr reptoid on ebay last week and drove a 5 hour round trip to pick it up last saturday only to realise its a bit on the small size, bigger than a bmx but looks like im riding a kids mountain bike, has a 24" wheel...looks real nice though so giving it to my 12yr old grandson for xmas instead..would still like one maybe have to get a 26" wheel one but would that make any difference in frame size..first time at looking at these so if the answer is an obvious one then

pic of the one i picked up saturday..was £705 when new so i assume not a bad bike..this is what it looked like after i cleaned it.
