OK Guys ... put this date in your diary ... December 14 ......
Wigan RAD TOY RIDE to the Royal Albert Edward Infirmary Childrens ward .
We will be meeting outside ALANS BMX SHOP at midday and ridding to the Wigan Hospital to delivery toys and games to the sick children in hospital ..Many of us will be dressed up as SANTA . We kindly ask that each rider bings along a toy or game in new and in original packaging . this so the toys/games can be given to the appropiate child . ALL TOYS AND GAMES DONATED WILL GO TO A CHILD IN HOSPITAL. Make sure you bring a few beer tokens as there will be one or two watering stops en route .
I know the weather will probably be a bit rubbish and money is always a bit tighter at this time of year but its all in a good cause and it gives us a good reason to ride our old school bikes , drink beer , and share some xmas spirit .. get your names down lads

SANTA SUIT £4 on ebay . one size fits all ..... item number 321228427890 .... dress for the occasion

anyone unable to attend this RADRIDE but would like to donate a toy/game CARL IN2BMX has kindle offered to accept all posted toys and games to his work address ..please mark any toys/games sent to Carl as RAD TOY RIDE so that he knows which parcels are work related and which are not .. MASSIVE THANKS for this CARL

1 .................. Badbaldie
2 .................. Retrodan72
3 .................. Denzil
4 .................. Rollin 72
5 .................. Megsy
6 .................. Jono
7 .................. Gaz
8 .................. Mike
9 .................. Aidy
10 ................ Joffy
11 ................ Custard lips
12 ................ Dancetothedrummersbeat
13 ................ Phil9huf
14 ................ Paulb113
15 ................ In2bmx
16 ................ Torkerdude180
17 ................ Factory Pilot
18 ................ Bigbadsam
19 ................ Brettypeeps
20 ................ Rick 1970 + SNAPPED HANDBREAK
21 ................ BADDH
22 ................ SNAV ..driving the recovery vehicle
23 ................ FATHEAD
24 ................ T4FORUM
25 ................ Chillipowder +1
26 ................ Jamin + 1
27 ................ R AL
28 ................ Warrington Si
29 ................ Stealthcamper Stu
30 ................ Sam Bates
31 ................ Sally