Every week I usually get someone asking a BMX related question. If I had a tenner for every question that I get asked I'd be able to buy that HL Turbo off the Bay.
They are normally inboxed to me on FB, the normal ones are:
"I want to get my lad a BMX for his Birthday/Christmas, which one should I get?"

"How much is an Apollo worth? The bars spin 360."

"Can you build me an Old School BMX?" to which I say yes I can, next question is...
"How much will it cost me"? to which I say "400+" they then say...
"I don't want one that much".

I always get messages too saying...
"Can you fix the chain/sprocket/puncture on me lad's bike?"
Then you always get these classics,
"I saw a Chopper at the tip last week"
"I had a Mongoose, swapped it for a fishing rod"
"I've still got my old BMX 'somewhere' in my parents loft"

I think me worst bug bear is the one where they ask you to build one and appear to be keen until you mention the £££s, these are Old School BMXs FFS, the parts aren't on the shelf in Tesco's.