Hi All
I've always loved cars and restoring them but due to lack of space and the wife nagging I've recently sold an Audi coupe I was working on and I've been looking for a new project.
I've always been into my bikes but apart from a Raleigh Burner when I was about 10 years old, they've always been mountain bikes. I currently have a Boardman hardtail mtb so I thought I'd look for an old/mid school BMX to restore.
Looking around on ebay etc I decided on either a Team Raleigh Burner or a Dyno Slammer, I narrowly missed out on a mint Burner frame but picked up a cheap but good condition 1998 Slammer frame.

The plan is to restore this to its original spec bar changing the front forks to pac man forks to match the frame. It hopefully will look something like this when finished

I'll also still be on the look out for a Burner frame to restore and a cheap BMX to get some practise in without worrying about damaging it.
I've heard that radbmx is the place to be for all things BMX, so here I am! I'll be looking for tips, advice, parts and general BMX chat