As you can see below it was fit for the bin

First off I gave it a citric acid bath to get the rust off the rails.
Then the crack was repaired with epoxy resin,duck tape was used to hold it in place while drying,once dry it was rubbed smooth with Emory Cloth along with any raised bumps and scars-the repair is super strong as i tried flexing the joint and no cracks appeared.

I then dyed the saddle Black with some rit,this actually dyed the epoxy joint as well.
Next I got some black leather of ebay,£15 bought me enough to cover 3 Saddles.
With a can of spray glue,a couple of staples and a lot of patience I covered the saddle and I am chuffed with the result.
Finishing touches were the repop decals and chrome paint on the rails as the original plating was none existent.